ricko2001 / RootsMagic_Database_Design

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Family Table updates #8

Open optout2024 opened 7 months ago

optout2024 commented 7 months ago

I tested a bunch ... some of these features were hard to locate.

ChildID. .... Foreign Key: PersonID in the PersonTable of Child last active as the root person in Pedigree view, 0 = No Children in family or no child displayed as root in Pedigree view.

HusbOrder.... Husband Order, from People View, Edit Menu, Rearrange Spouses: 0 if never rearranged

WifeOrder... Wife Order, from People View, Edit Menu, Rearrange Spouses: 0 if never rearranged

Proof, from Spouse Fact in Edit Person window: 0 = [blank], 1 = Proven, 2 = Disproven, 3 = Disputed

FatherLabel from Spouse Fact in Edit Person window: 0 = Father 1 = Husband 2 = Partner 99 = Other

MotherLabel, from Spouse Fact in Edit Person window: 0 = Father 1 = Husband 2 = Partner 99 = Other

FatherLabelStr & MotherLabelStr User defined text when FatherLabel=99 or MotherLabel=99

SpouseLabel, SpouseLabelStr, IsPrivate - not implemented