rickyrockrat / parcellite

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Port to GTK+ 3 #21

Open ale-carra opened 6 years ago

ale-carra commented 6 years ago

Will you port this to GTK+ 3? GTK+ 2 is dead.

rickyrockrat commented 6 years ago

GTK+3 was unstable for so long (and still has a lot of issues). I will likely evaluate the possibilities and choose a GUI tool kit. FLTK is a strong possibility. Gnome pretty much killed itself with GTK+3.

mooninite commented 6 years ago

@rickyrockrat, Gnome Shell has dropped support for the legacy system tray. This means your app no longer does anything on Gnome 3.28. Updating the application to use GTK3 and the Gnome Shell notication area would make this application useful again.

I'm not sure where the comments about GTK3 come from, but they have no place here. You can either update the application or fade away into the sunset.

sanjayankur31 commented 6 years ago

If moving to GTK3 is not an option, for whatever reason, I wonder if a shell extension would be in order then?

https://blogs.gnome.org/aday/2017/08/31/status-icons-and-gnome/ -> This is worth a read, by the way.

rickyrockrat commented 5 years ago

There may be a possibility of moving to GTK3. I decided to take a look at seeing how much work it would be. I may build a branch and see how that fares. @mooninite - who are you to tell me what I can say on my project? Did you somehow achieve god-like status? Please be a thorn in someone else's project.

felagund commented 4 years ago

And Parcellite can be used without icon, so it can work great on Gnome too, I assume - I am still running it on Unity so not sure. Thanks for your work, Rickyrockrat!

felagund commented 3 years ago

But now with GTK 4 I am afraid GTK2 libreries will stop being included in distributions...

johntyree commented 3 years ago

The answer seems to be "stop using GTK."

This is a very simple app with a very simple UI. Migrating to a new UI framework every 2-3 years is a huge waste of time and resources.

rickyrockrat commented 3 years ago

johntyree - I think you might be right. This reminds me of an app I wrote a long time ago that works with imlib and is a layer right on top of X. I know folks using QT, but that has it's own issues as well. Perhaps it's time to remove all GUI toolkits and use something even lower level.

johntyree commented 3 years ago

There plenty of good, generic "menu" apps available for X11. I'd be fine with dzen2 or something, probably. At any rate, it seems like there's no need to roll your own if you don't enjoy it.

martenwa commented 2 years ago

@rickyrockrat I share your frustration with the toolkit updates, and it would indeed be nice in the future to remove those dependencies. This appears, however, at least to my naïve eyes, to be substantially more work than porting to GTK3 (or, as someone mentioned, GTK4). I am very satisfied with Parcellite, and I would be saddened to see it go when distributions finally stop shipping GTK2.

rickyrockrat commented 2 years ago

No worries. When GTK2 leaves the distros, I will port it to something. But I do not like having to learn a new API every time toolkit owner X decides they want to change it...

p5n commented 1 year ago

Arch started gtk2 drop but still has about 50 packages that depends on gtk2.

Also gtk2-compat package (https://archlinux.org/packages/community/any/gtk2-compat/) provided. It helps to compile some packages against gtk3 without modification but does not look that it helps parcellite.