rickyrockrat / parcellite

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Parcellite not showing up #30

Closed sverhagen closed 2 years ago

sverhagen commented 5 years ago

I think Parcellite may be something I want, but I'm unable to run it. I'm on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS and installed Parcellite using APT. There's an application I can start, and when I do, it shows up in my processes:

$ ps aux | grep parcellite
sander   20201  0.3  0.0 353100 19980 tty2     Sl+  01:59   0:00 parcellite

However, I believe I should be seeing an icon for it at the top of my screen, and it's not there.

This is in /var/log/syslog:

Feb 18 01:59:33 sander-laptop3 parcellite.desktop[20201]: Looking in '/etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu/parcellite/parcelliterc'
Feb 18 01:59:33 sander-laptop3 parcellite.desktop[20201]: Looking in '/etc/xdg/parcellite/parcelliterc'
Feb 18 01:59:33 sander-laptop3 parcellite.desktop[20201]: Looking in '/etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu/parcellite/parcelliterc'
Feb 18 01:59:33 sander-laptop3 parcellite.desktop[20201]: Looking in '/etc/xdg/parcellite/parcelliterc'
Feb 18 01:59:33 sander-laptop3 parcellite.desktop[20201]: Flag 0x0001, status 0, EXIT 1 STAT 0
Feb 18 01:59:33 sander-laptop3 parcellite.desktop[20201]: Looking in '/etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu/parcellite/parcelliterc'
Feb 18 01:59:33 sander-laptop3 parcellite.desktop[20201]: Looking in '/etc/xdg/parcellite/parcelliterc'

I've googled and found some relevant matches for the Flag ... status... EXIT... STAT 0 thing, but nothing with solutions that I could apply.

I believe there is a UI, but I don't know where it is hiding :sob: Thanks for overtaking this project, I'd really appreciate if you could help.

junkyardsparkle commented 5 years ago

By default, the keybinding for the menu is <Ctrl><Alt>P, did you try that? You can get to the preferences from there.

sverhagen commented 5 years ago

Funny, I was trying to extract a parameter in IntelliJ, this afternoon and got a very unusual menu. There was, indeed, Parcellite. So, got that covered, like you said. Thank you for the reply. Less important, but do you have any suggestion of how to get the icon to show up in the top of my screen? I suppose that's the intended behavior.

junkyardsparkle commented 5 years ago

No idea, sorry. I use it with Fluxbox window manager, launching it with the -n option specifically to keep the taskbar icon from showing up. I use it via keybindings, which have been changed to use <Mod4> ("Windows key") along with other keys that don't conflict with any other globals.

rickyrockrat commented 5 years ago

The icon should show up in the systray, assuming Ubuntu still has that. If it isn't working, can you post the version you are running? Thanks.

sverhagen commented 5 years ago

Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.

I assume systray is the thing in the top, like this, which is where other icons appear to show up:



rickyrockrat commented 5 years ago

Yes, it is. I assume parcellite was running when you took that screenshot? Can you dump the output of this command here? ps aux|grep indicator Thanks.

sverhagen commented 5 years ago
ps aux|grep indicator

That returns nothing (other than the grep process itself).

rickyrockrat commented 5 years ago

This is why it is not showing up. parcellite looks for the indicator service (which apparently Ubuntu has done away with). I'll have to figure out another way to determine Parcellite is running Ubuntu. Thanks.

DSLituiev commented 4 years ago

i have the same issue: no GUI visible on Ubuntu18 (<Ctrl><Alt>P helped -- but I had to find this thread) -- maybe including this instruction in -h manual will be an easy fix? or a cmd line parameter like parcellite -g --gui

rickyrockrat commented 3 years ago

OK, I have added a preference in commit 6d2585b.

Can one of you build it and check it to see if it fixes the whole missing Icon thing? It is under Preferences->Display->Running unity.

wez commented 3 years ago

parcellite also does not show up in when running under Gnome/mutter on Fedora (Parcellite 1.2.1, GTK 2.24.33). There is no indicator process running there either.

MostHated commented 3 years ago

I do not see it on Pop_OS 20.10 either. I thought it was not working because I was getting those same "Looking in '/etc/xdg/xdg-pop/parcellite/parcelliterc'" messages until I saw the post about the hotkey.

rickyrockrat commented 3 years ago

Can you please see if checking the Display->Running Unity fixes the icon not showing?

rickyrockrat commented 2 years ago

So I'm closing this for now. I'm assuming my fix worked. Please re-open if it did not.