rickyrockrat / parcellite

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Item copied to Clipboard list becomes invisible if already present in persistent history #74

Closed rgreen5 closed 2 years ago

rgreen5 commented 2 years ago
  1. Copy a text string into the clipboard.
  2. Open the clipboard manager, right-click on the string and select "Edit".
  3. Add a space before the first character, then OK.

EXPECTED RESULT: The space appears in the text string in the clipboard manager list. ACTUAL RESULT: The entry becomes invisible; if you open the edit window, the space has disappeared again.

  1. You may get a similar problem if you copy a text string to the clipboard with a space as the first character.

Linux Mint 20.1 / Cinnamon 4.8.6.

rickyrockrat commented 2 years ago

I need your RC. Parcellite has a setting that clears whitespace.' git' - this is pasted from the master git build with trim whitespace off. I'm guessing your config is not what you want.

rgreen5 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I checked the "Behavior" and "clear whitespace" definately wasn't ticked. However, it's working now and I can't reproduce the bug.

rgreen5 commented 2 years ago

Did a bit more investigation. It seems if you add an entry to the clipboard list and it is already present in the persistent history, it becomes invisible in the former.

To reproduce:

  1. Copy a text string to the clipboard. Move to persistent.
  2. Create another identical string and copy that to the clipboard.
  3. Inspect the clipboard history.

Expected result: The text string should be visible in the list. Actual result: The newly-copied item is invisible.

rickyrockrat commented 2 years ago

By design, you should only have one clipboard entry globally. In other words, if the exact same text is copied and already exists in the persistent history, it automatically gets removed from the regular list. It shouldn't be invisible.

If you want,you can create a feature for this, but you are the first one since I've taken over development in 2010 that wanted this feature.