riclolsen / OSHMI

SCADA HMI for substations and automation applications.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Import topology from OpenStreetMap #3

Closed flacombe closed 4 years ago

flacombe commented 4 years ago

Hi and thank you for this opensource software. It's brilliant I've just discovered it today and want to give it a try :)

The first question I have regards the topology data sources you support. Were you aware that OpenStreetMap actually provides some data about internal substation components like in France? https://openinframap.org/#16.16/47.326504/4.687514

It's possible to get information about described transformer or switches as seen on their wiki https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:power%3Dswitch https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:power%3Dtransformer

It may be possible to convert their data format to an appropriate topology description you support Would you like me to check that?

All the best

riclolsen commented 4 years ago

Hi flacombe! Thanks for liking OSHMI. This Open Infrastructure Map is very interesting. It has a great deal of detailed information. Even from Brazil where I live. Nice to know, thanks. Unfortunately, currently in OSHMI there is no support for Geo/GIS/Maps information. However, as it is a Web-based system, it is possible to mix information from diverse sources and also possible to expand the database models in SQLite or PostgreSQL to include Geoinformation. It is a desirable feature for a future version to have a supported integration with Open Street Map. Best regards, Ricardo Olsen

flacombe commented 4 years ago

Hi Ricardo,

Thank you for your answer. I'm lad to make you discovering particular OSM in your location :)

The point isn't to display geographical information in OSHMI or any other sort of data you don't yet support. It's only about producing appropriate import to serve as topology from OSM data, as GIS can be used to produce asset management files. We intend to describe all features needed to feed scada systems and place it in GIS. This is pretty uncommon as professionals use to separate referential and GIS but I'm convinced both could be merged. Especially when it comes to public licensed data.

Let me know how do you feel with this :) All the best François

riclolsen commented 4 years ago

Hi François, I think this is a very good and useful idea. However, OSHMI has a pretty limited (small number of columns) basic compiled real-time database, I think it doesn't make much sense to merge GIS information there. Nevertheless, I am developing a new (much more capable) system that will be based on OSHMI drivers and UI, with MongoDB as a real-time database. This system is being designed to integrate many sources of information (IoT/IIoT/SCADA/MES/ERP, etc.), having an expandable database model. It will be very helpful if you can point me the information model you think it is interesting to include in this database (please keep in mind that I do not have a great deal of experience with Geo/GIS/OSM systems). Many thanks for your suggestions, Best regards, Ricardo

flacombe commented 4 years ago

Hi Ricardo

Can you give me a pointer to a doc explaining how you describe substation topology in OSHMI please? I'll try to map GIS data to this model without changes on your side to make a little PoC. The GIS data I use will only give you static topology without any real time data. It will automatically feed synoptic view out of GIS.

All the best


riclolsen commented 4 years ago

François, There is not a real substation model there, no EMS model. The database is just data points that can be grouped by substation and bay (just a hierarchical organization). The display drawings are free-form SVG graphics, they do not have real topological meaning. Equipment elements like circuit breakers must be created using SVG graphical primitives and animated with special markup with tags that link to real-time data. What can be done is to generate the SVG graphics that can be later marked up with tagged animations for use in OSHMI. You can see a simple live example of a substation drawing here The raw SVG file is here This is just an example, you can draw it the way you want.

My best, Ricardo