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Create tools section for Splash page/ @normani FileSyst3ms #3

Open ThakaRashard opened 1 month ago

ThakaRashard commented 1 month ago

A links block accesible from top via anchor link

Create ZfsFileSystem Tutorial:: Normani, we are 100% cloud infrastructure from my perspective. I can talk to you about filesystem options when its time to go physical. At Jpl we use #Solaris so if you dug OpenIndiana ZFS has roll back and send options! Like if you want to send Megs a filestsyem you can send it securely to her via SSH(SecureShell) I was an implementation of ZFS at Georgia Tech Research Institute so i know it from the ground up b4 storage arrays and complexity enters if your idea for a kid safe media serving solution is still on the map. Like S3 all the Github products are in datacenters... im losing scope. Since you work in FamilyServices maybe there are hosting solutions we can propose to JPL when i get my head right i can inquire with my manager. You dont have to use Solaris/OpenIndiana if you like ZFS its been ported to Ubuntu/Mint so u can use it that way, but running native software is the safest option when you are trying to secure infrastructure... idk how much erika knows but i built her a RAiD'd mediaserver using #FreeBSD and ZFS ... ttyl
https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19120-01/open.solaris/819-2379/hbsparcboot-75/index.html https://askubuntu.com/questions/667291/create-blank-disk-image-for-file-storage https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19253-01/819-5461/gaynr/index.html https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/setup-zfs-storage-pool#1-overview

ThakaRashard commented 1 month ago

@normani i added the base info for my ZFS tutorial. I dont know what you guys are doing but im sure it will help you with the strings you have left from the #DataCenterJohnsOfMagicCity