ricobeck / KFCocoaPodsPlugin

XcodePlugin for CocoaPods with pod commands/console output, user notifications & code completion.
800 stars 53 forks source link

Shows old versions as available #6

Closed shmidt closed 11 years ago

shmidt commented 11 years ago

During check for outdated pods it shows old versions instead of new:

Start checking for updated Pods The following Pods have updates available:

crackify, installed: 0.0.2, available: 0.0.1
Reachability, installed: 3.1.1, available: 3.0.0
HTAutocompleteTextField, installed: 1.1.3, available: 1.0.0
iRate, installed: 1.7.5, available: 1.3.2
ricobeck commented 11 years ago

Could you please post your Podfile and the output of pod outdated?

shmidt commented 11 years ago


platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'BlocksKit'
pod 'KKPasscodeLock', '~> 0.1.5'
pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK', '3.8.0'
pod 'AJNotificationView'
pod 'SVProgressHUD'
# pod 'ActionSheetPicker2'
# pod 'HSLUpdateChecker'
pod 'MGImageUtilities'
pod 'MagicalRecord'
# pod 'MPNotificationView', '~> 1.0.0'
pod 'QBImagePickerController'
pod 'OLGhostAlertView', '~> 1.2.1'
pod 'QuickDialog', '~> 0.8'
pod 'Base64nl'
pod 'iRate', '~> 1.7.5'
# pod 'DWTagList'
# pod 'EDStarRating', '~> 1.0.1'
pod 'crackify'
pod 'HTAutocompleteTextField', '~> 1.1.2'
pod 'JPSThumbnailAnnotation'
pod 'RHAddressBook'
pod 'CZDateFormatterCache'
pod 'UITableView-NXEmptyView'
pod 'BButton'
pod 'LXReorderableCollectionViewFlowLayout', :head
pod 'SSZipArchive', '~> 0.3.1'
pod 'SIAlertView', '~> 1.1'
pod 'PEPhotoCropEditor'
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 1.3.2'
pod 'MKMapView-ZoomLevel'
pod 'MIHGradientView'
pod 'MLPAccessoryBadge'
pod 'Reachability'
pod 'FrameAccessor'
pod 'TestFlightSDK'
pod 'FlurrySDK', '~> 4.2.3'
pod 'SWRevealViewController'
pod 'RETableViewManager'
pod 'UALogger', '~> 0.2.2'
pod 'GDCoreDataConcurrencyDebugging'
# pod 'iOS7Colors', '~> 2.0.0'
# pod 'UI7Kit'
# pod 'RNGridMenu'
# pod 'NSString+Emoji'
Dmitrys-MacBook-Pro:Clients shmidt$ pod outdated
[AFNetworking (2.0.0-RC3)] `preferred_dependency` has been renamed to `default_subspec`.
The following updates are available:
- AFNetworking 1.3.2 -> 2.0.0-RC3
- HTAutocompleteTextField 1.1.3 -> 1.2.2
- KKPasscodeLock 0.1.5 -> 0.2.2
- OLGhostAlertView 1.2.1 -> 1.4.2
Dmitrys-MacBook-Pro:Clients shmidt$

Xcode plugin output:

Start checking for updated Pods
The following Pods have updates available:
LXReorderableCollectionViewFlowLayout, installed: HEAD based on 0.1.0.beta1, available: 0.0.1
crackify, installed: 0.0.2, available: 0.0.1
Reachability, installed: 3.1.1, available: 3.0.0
HTAutocompleteTextField, installed: 1.1.3, available: 1.0.0
iRate, installed: 1.7.5, available: 1.3.2
SIAlertView, installed: 1.2, available: 1.1
SWRevealViewController, installed: 1.0.5, available: 0.0.1
TestFlightSDK, installed: 2.0, available: 0.8.3
OLGhostAlertView, installed: 1.2.1, available: 1.1.1
REFormattedNumberField, installed: 1.1, available: 1.0
SSZipArchive, installed: 0.3.1, available: 0.1.0
UITableView-NXEmptyView, installed: 0.1.4, available: 0.1.0
QuickDialog, installed: 0.9, available: 0.1
Base64nl, installed: 1.1, available: 1.0.2
FlurrySDK, installed: 4.2.3, available: 3.0.9
BlocksKit, installed: (null), available: 0.5.0
PEPhotoCropEditor, installed: 1.2.2, available: 1.0.0
MagicalRecord, installed: 2.2, available: 1.7.1
REValidation, installed: 0.1.4, available: 0.1.0
Facebook-iOS-SDK, installed: 3.8.0, available: 0.0.1
AFNetworking, installed: 1.3.2, available: 0.10.0
UALogger, installed: 0.2.3, available: 0.2.2
AJNotificationView, installed: 0.7, available: 0.0.1
libffi, installed: 3.0.13, available: 3.0.11
MLPAccessoryBadge, installed: 1.0, available: 0.9
RETableViewManager, installed: (null), available: 1.0
RHAddressBook, installed: 1.0.2, available: 1.0.0
FrameAccessor, installed: 1.2.0, available: 1.0.0
CZDateFormatterCache, installed: 1.2, available: 1.0
SVProgressHUD, installed: 0.9, available: 0.2
QBImagePickerController, installed: 1.0, available: 0.0.1
volodymyrsmirnov commented 11 years ago

Same for me, XCode 5.0 (5A1413), KFCocoaPodsPlugin built from master yesterday.


platform :ios, '6.0'

target "Sumy Bus" do
    pod 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 0.7'
    pod 'Google-Maps-iOS-SDK', '~> 1.5.0'
    pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 1.3.2'

pod outdated

workstation-1:SumyBus smirnov$ pod outdated
The following updates are available:
- AFNetworking 1.3.2 -> 2.0.0-RC3

plugin output

Start checking for updated Pods
The following Pods have updates available:
Google-Maps-iOS-SDK, installed: 1.5.0, available: 1.0.1
MBProgressHUD, installed: 0.8, available: 0.5
AFNetworking, installed: 1.3.2, available: 0.10.0
ahanmal commented 11 years ago


appfabtech commented 11 years ago

Me too with 5.01

Start checking for updated Pods The following Pods have updates available: DEFacebookComposeViewController, installed: (null), available: 0.0.1 GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK, installed: 3.0.2, available: 1.4 Parse, installed: (null), available: 1.0.36 PBYouTubeVideoViewController, installed: 1.0.1, available: 1.0 SWRevealViewController, installed: 1.0.5, available: 0.0.1 InnerBand, installed: 1.0.6, available: 0.0.1 HSLUpdateChecker, installed: 1.0.2, available: 1.0.0 REActivityViewController, installed: (null), available: 1.0 MagicalRecord, installed: 2.2, available: 1.7.1 MBProgressHUD, installed: 0.8, available: 0.5 AFNetworking, installed: 1.3.3, available: 0.10.0 iCarousel, installed: 1.7.6, available: 1.6.2 ZipArchive, installed: 1.2.0, available: 1.01h Harpy, installed: 2.3.9, available: 2.2.0 REComposeViewController, installed: 2.1.2, available: 0.0.1 AFXAuthClient, installed: (null), available: 1.0 TestFlightSDK, installed: 2.1.1-beta, available: 0.8.3 Facebook-iOS-SDK, installed: 3.9.0, available: 0.0.1 PocketAPI, installed: 1.0.2, available: 1.0

ricobeck commented 11 years ago

I think of moving back to the pod outdated command. Loosing the number of updateable pods for the user notification seems okay for the sake of a working implementation.

ricobeck commented 11 years ago

I changed some things. Could you please check out the features/pod-outdates and test? I used @shmidt's Podfile. The output looks okay to me.

pod --outdated says

Zairnd:KFCocoaPodsPluginTest rick$ pod outdated
The following updates are available:
- AFNetworking 1.3.3 -> 2.0.1
- Facebook-iOS-SDK 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
- FlurrySDK 4.2.4 -> 4.3.0
- HTAutocompleteTextField 1.1.3 -> 1.2.6
- iRate 1.7.5 -> 1.8
- KKPasscodeLock 0.1.5 -> 0.2.2
- OLGhostAlertView 1.2.1 -> 1.6

Plugin output is

Start checking for updated Pods

The following Pods have updates available:
HTAutocompleteTextField, installed: 1.1.3, available: 1.2.6
iRate, installed: 1.7.5, available: 1.8
OLGhostAlertView, installed: 1.2.1, available: 1.6
FlurrySDK, installed: 4.2.4, available: 4.3.0
KKPasscodeLock, installed: 0.1.5, available: 0.2.2
Facebook-iOS-SDK, installed: 3.8.0, available: 3.9.0
AFNetworking, installed: 1.3.3, available: 2.0.1
shmidt commented 11 years ago

I checked with a latest version and unfortunately this issue still exists.

The following Pods have updates available:
LXReorderableCollectionViewFlowLayout, installed: HEAD based on 0.1.0.beta1, available: 0.0.1
crackify, installed: 0.0.2, available: 0.0.1
Reachability, installed: 3.1.1, available: 3.0.0
HTAutocompleteTextField, installed: 1.1.3, available: 1.0.0
iRate, installed: 1.7.5, available: 1.3.2
shmidt commented 11 years ago

P.S. I remember that earlier version of this plugin (I believe the month before I opened issue) worked well with outdated versions.

appfabtech commented 11 years ago

I can confirm that 0.17 still has the issue

Start checking for updated Pods The following Pods have updates available: DEFacebookComposeViewController, installed: (null), available: 0.0.1 GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK, installed: 3.0.2, available: 1.4 Parse, installed: (null), available: 1.0.36 PBYouTubeVideoViewController, installed: 1.0.1, available: 1.0 SWRevealViewController, installed: 1.0.5, available: 0.0.1 InnerBand, installed: 1.0.6, available: 0.0.1 HSLUpdateChecker, installed: 1.0.2, available: 1.0.0

ricobeck commented 11 years ago

Are you sure you used commit 65942046e028ad44a4d683521f46b7ed9d2e764e in the branch features/pod-outdates? This one is ahead of the 0.1.7-release.

shmidt commented 11 years ago

@ricobeck Yes, that was it :) Works perfectly, thanks!

ricobeck commented 11 years ago

Aahh, good to hear. I'll merge this into Master and release a new version.

shmidt commented 11 years ago


appfabtech commented 11 years ago

Sorry to bother but I still have the outdated pods issue here. I removed the plugin, restarted xcode, run the new version 0.18, restarted xcode again but I still get the outdated versions. What I'm doing wrong?



Start checking for updated Pods

The following Pods have updates available: DEFacebookComposeViewController, installed: 1.0.0, available: 0.0.1 GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK, installed: 3.0.2, available: 1.4 Parse, installed: 1.2.15, available: 1.0.36 PBYouTubeVideoViewController, installed: 1.0.1, available: 1.0 SWRevealViewController, installed: 1.0.5, available: 0.0.1 InnerBand, installed: 1.0.6, available: 0.0.1 HSLUpdateChecker, installed: 1.0.2, available: 1.0.0 TapkuLibrary, installed: 0.3, available: 0.2.1 REActivityViewController, installed: 1.6.7, available: 1.0 MagicalRecord, installed: 2.2, available: 1.7.1 MBProgressHUD, installed: 0.8, available: 0.5 AFNetworking, installed: 1.3.3, available: 0.10.0 iCarousel, installed: 1.7.6, available: 1.6.2 ZipArchive, installed: 1.2.0, available: 1.01h Harpy, installed: 2.3.9, available: 2.2.0 REComposeViewController, installed: 2.1.2, available: 0.0.1 AFXAuthClient, installed: 1.0.8, available: 1.0 TestFlightSDK, installed: 2.1.1-beta, available: 0.8.3 Facebook-iOS-SDK, installed: 3.9.0, available: 0.0.1 TDBadgedCell, installed: 2.4.1, available: 2.0 PocketAPI, installed: 1.0.2, available: 1.0