ricochet-im / ricochet

Anonymous peer-to-peer instant messaging
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Text is broken when moving from non-highdpi to highdpi screens on OS X #159

Open special opened 9 years ago

special commented 9 years ago

With Qt 5.4 (Ricochet 1.1.0):

  1. Launch Ricochet on a non-highdpi monitor
  2. Move the window over to a retina screen
  3. Text looks like a pasted-together ransom letter.

Upstream bug is https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-42655. There is a fix in 5.5, ddc43cdf, that might solve it - haven't tested.

But it was also pointed out that this means we're using NativeRendering for text, and for retina screens, QtRendering would be the right choice. Apparently that default was supposed to be made in QtQuickControls, but this never happened.

From the Ricochet point of view, there might be an easy workaround here, or it might be low-priority enough to leave until upstream solves it.

special commented 9 years ago

Not entirely solved in Qt 5.5.0. Text items aren't updating when moving between retina and non-retina screens until they're forced to recalculate (such as by selecting some of the text). They can appear blurry or jagged and incorrectly positioned on the y axis.