ricochet-im / ricochet

Anonymous peer-to-peer instant messaging
3.7k stars 399 forks source link

build doc could do with hiting at two qt5 build dependencies #57

Closed victoredwardocallaghan closed 10 years ago

victoredwardocallaghan commented 10 years ago

Missing translation files:

└──╼ qmake RCC: Error in 'translation/embedded.qrc': Cannot find file 'ricochet_en.qm' RCC: Error in 'translation/embedded.qrc': Cannot find file 'ricochet_it.qm' RCC: Error in 'translation/embedded.qrc': Cannot find file 'ricochet_es.qm' RCC: Warning: No resources in 'translation/embedded.qrc'.

└──╼ find . -name ricochet_en.qm .

Not sure about that part? Also maybe a note in the docs about qt5-quickcontrols is a build dependency.

victoredwardocallaghan commented 10 years ago

Woops, ok my bad, qt5-tools also needed as a build dependency.

fczuardi commented 10 years ago

I am getting the same error when trying to do a qmake on lubuntu:

Here is the version I am running:

$qmake --version                              
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.2.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

I could not found any qt5-tools package on my distro:

$ apt-cache search qt5                                                                                                                                     [master] 
appmenu-qt5 - application menu for Qt5
libaccounts-qt5-1 - QT library for single sign on
libaccounts-qt5-dev - QT library for single sign on - development files
libdbusmenu-qt5 - Qt5 implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
libdbusmenu-qt5-dev - Qt5 implementation of the DBusMenu protocol (development)
libdbusmenu-qt5-doc - Qt5 implementation of the DBusMenu protocol (documentation)
libdee-qt5-3 - Qt5 binding for Dee - shared library
libdee-qt5-dev - Qt5 binding and QtQuick2 plugin for Dee - development files
liblightdm-qt5-3-0 - LightDM Qt 5 client library
liblightdm-qt5-3-dev - LightDM Qt 5 client library (development files)
libphonon4qt5-4 - multimedia framework from KF5 - core library
libphonon4qt5-dev - multimedia framework from KF5 - development files
libphonon4qt5experimental-dev - multimedia framework from KF5 - experimental development files
libphonon4qt5experimental4 - multimedia framework from KF5 - experimental library (internal)
libpoppler-qt5-1 - PDF rendering library (Qt 5 based shared library)
libpoppler-qt5-dev - PDF rendering library -- development files (Qt 5 interface)
libqscintilla2-doc - API documentation for QScintilla 2
libqt53d5 - Qt 3D module
libqt5clucene5 - Qt 5 CLucene module
libqt5concurrent5 - Qt 5 concurrent module
libqt5contacts5 - Qt PIM module, Contacts library
libqt5core5a - Qt 5 core module
libqt5dbus5 - Qt 5 D-Bus module
libqt5designer5 - Qt 5 designer module
libqt5designercomponents5 - Qt 5 Designer components module
libqt5feedback5 - Qt Feedback module
libqt5gui5 - Qt 5 GUI module
libqt5help5 - Qt 5 help module
libqt5location5 - Qt Location module
libqt5location5-plugins - Qt Location module - geolocation plugins
libqt5multimedia5 - Qt 5 Multimedia module
libqt5multimedia5-plugins - Qt 5 Multimedia module plugins
libqt5multimediaquick-p5 - Qt 5 Multimedia Quick module
libqt5multimediawidgets5 - Qt 5 Multimedia Widgets module
libqt5network5 - Qt 5 network module
libqt5opengl5 - Qt 5 OpenGL module
libqt5opengl5-dev - Qt 5 OpenGL library development files
libqt5organizer5 - Qt PIM module, Organizer library
libqt5positioning5 - Qt Positioning module
libqt5positioning5-plugins - Qt Positioning module - position plugins
libqt5printsupport5 - Qt 5 print support module
libqt5qml-graphicaleffects - Qt 5 Graphical Effects module
libqt5qml5 - Qt 5 QML module
libqt5quick5 - Qt 5 Quick library
libqt5quickparticles5 - Qt 5 Quick particules module
libqt5quicktest5 - Qt 5 Quick Test library
libqt5scintilla2-11 - Qt5 port of the Scintilla source code editing widget
libqt5scintilla2-dev - Scintilla source code editing widget for Qt5, development files
libqt5scintilla2-l10n - Scintilla source code editing widget for Qt5, translation files
libqt5script5 - Qt 5 script module
libqt5scripttools5 - Qt 5 script tools module
libqt5sensors5 - Qt Sensors module
libqt5sensors5-dev - Qt 5 Sensors development files
libqt5serialport5 - Qt 5 serial port support
libqt5serialport5-dev - Qt 5 serial port development files
libqt5sql5 - Qt 5 SQL module
libqt5sql5-sqlite - Qt 5 SQLite 3 database driver
libqt5svg5 - Qt 5 SVG module
libqt5svg5-dev - Qt 5 SVG module development files
libqt5svg5-private-dev - Qt 5 SVG module private development files
libqt5test5 - Qt 5 test module
libqt5versit5 - Qt PIM module, Versit library
libqt5versitorganizer5 - Qt PIM module, Versit Organizer library
libqt5webkit5 - Web content engine library for Qt
libqt5webkit5-dbg - Web content engine library for Qt - debugging symbols
libqt5webkit5-dev - Web content engine library for Qt - development files
libqt5webkit5-qmlwebkitplugin - Qt WebKit QML plugin
libqt5widgets5 - Qt 5 widgets module
libqt5x11extras5 - Qt 5 X11 extras
libqt5x11extras5-dev - Qt 5 X11 extras development files
libqt5xml5 - Qt 5 XML module
libqt5xmlpatterns5 - Qt 5 XML patterns module
libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev - Qt 5 XML patterns development files
libqt5xmlpatterns5-private-dev - Qt 5 XML patterns private development files
libsignon-qt5-1 - Single Sign On framework
libsignon-qt5-dev - Development files for libsignon-qt
phonon-backend-gstreamer-common - Phonon GStreamer 1.0.x backend icons
phonon4qt5-backend-null - multimedia framework from KF5 - null back-end (no real back-end)
pyqt5-dev - Development files for PyQt5
pyqt5-doc - Documentation for PyQt5
pyqt5-examples - Examples and demos for PyQt5
python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 - D-Bus Support for PyQt5 with Python 3
python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5-dbg - D-Bus Support for PyQt5 (debug extensions for Python 3)
python3-pyqt5 - Python 3 bindings for Qt5
python3-pyqt5-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5 (debug extensions)
python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module
python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module (debug extensions)
python3-pyqt5.qtopengl - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module
python3-pyqt5.qtopengl-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning - Python 3 bindings for QtPositioning module
python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtPositioning module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtquick - Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module
python3-pyqt5.qtquick-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtsensors - Python 3 bindings for QtSensors module
python3-pyqt5.qtsensors-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtSensors module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtserialport - Python 3 bindings for QtSerialPort module
python3-pyqt5.qtserialport-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtSerialPort module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtsql - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SQL module
python3-pyqt5.qtsql-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SQL module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtsvg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SVG module
python3-pyqt5.qtsvg-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SVG module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module
python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module (debug extensions)
python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras - Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module
python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module
python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module (debug extension)
qt5-default - Qt 5 development defaults package
qt5-qmake - Qt 5 qmake Makefile generator tool
qtchooser - Wrapper to select between Qt development binary versions
qtmultimedia5-examples - Examples for Qt 5 Multimedia module
qtsensors5-dev - transitional dummy package
fcitx-frontend-qt5 - Free Chinese Input Toy of X - Qt5 IM Module frontend
fcitx-libs-qt5 - Free Chinese Input Toy of X - D-Bus client library for Qt5
fcitx-libs-qt5-dbg - Free Chinese Input Toy of X - Debugging symbols for libfcitx-qt5
fcitx-libs-qt5-dev - Free Chinese Input Toy of X - Devel files for libfcitx-qt5
gammaray-probe-qt4 - GammaRay support for inspecting Qt4 applications
libautopilot-qt - This project makes Qt applications introspectable by autopilot.
libautopilot-qt-autopilot - Autopilot tests for libautopilot-qt
libqt5bluetooth5 - Qt Connectivity Bluetooth module
libqt5declarative5 - Qt Quick 1 module for Qt 5
libqt5multimedia5-touch - Qt 5 Multimedia module
libqt5multimedia5-touch-plugins - Qt 5 Multimedia module plugins
libqt5multimediaquick-p5-touch - Qt 5 Multimedia Quick module
libqt5nfc5 - Qt Connectivity NFC module
libqt5publishsubscribe5 - Qt Systems module - publish subscribe
libqt5qml-quickcontrols - transitional dummy package for Qt 5 Quick Controls module plugin
libqt5serviceframework5 - Qt Systems module - service framework
libqt5sql5-mysql - Qt 5 MySQL database driver
libqt5sql5-odbc - Qt 5 ODBC database driver
libqt5sql5-psql - Qt 5 PostgreSQL database driver
libqt5sql5-tds - Qt 5 FreeTDS database driver
libqt5systeminfo5 - Qt Systems module - system info
libtelepathy-logger-qt5-0 - Qt bindings for the telepathy-logger library
libtelepathy-logger-qt5-0-dbg - Qt bindings for the telepathy-logger library - debug symbols
libtelepathy-logger-qt5-dev - Qt bindings for the telepathy-logger library - development files
libtelepathy-qt5-0 - Telepathy framework - Qt 5 library
libtelepathy-qt5-dbg - Qt 5 Telepathy library (debug symbols)
libtelepathy-qt5-dev - Qt 5 Telepathy library (headers and static library)
libtelepathy-qt5-doc - Qt 5 Telepathy library (documentation)
libtelepathy-qt5-farstream0 - Telepathy/Farsight integration - Qt 5 library
libu1db-qt5-3 - Qt5 binding for U1DB - shared library
libu1db-qt5-dev - Qt5 binding and QtQuick2 plugin for U1DB - development files
libu1db-qt5-doc - Qt5 binding and QtQuick2 plugin for U1DB - offline documentation
libu1db-qt5-examples - Qt5 binding and QtQuick2 plugin for U1DB - examples
phonon4qt5 - multimedia framework from KF5 - metapackage
phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer - Phonon4Qt5 GStreamer 1.0.x backend
phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer-dbg - debugging symbols for the Phonon GStreamer 1.0.x backend
phonon4qt5-backend-vlc - Phonon4Qt5 VLC backend
pyqt5-dev-tools - Development tools for PyQt5
python3-pyqt5.qsci - Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 5
qdbus-qt5 - Qt 5 D-Bus tool
qt5-doc - Qt 5 API Documentation
qt5-doc-html - Qt 5 API documentation (HTML format)
qt5-image-formats-plugins - Qt 5 Image Formats module
qtdeclarative5-poppler1.0 - Poppler QML plugin
qtdeclarative5-u1db1.0 - Qt5 binding for U1DB - QtQuick2 QML plugin
qtubuntu-android - Qt plugins for Ubuntu Platform API (mobile)
qtubuntu-desktop - Qt plugins for Ubuntu Platform API (desktop)
special commented 10 years ago

@fczuardi It sounds like qttools5-dev-tools is the right package for ubuntu.

I'll write better build documentation soon (#56) and mention that requirement.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I am getting the same issue on Linux Mint 17 (based on Ubuntu 14.04) with both the ricochet 1.0.4 and the newst git version (112232c642d1744616dd528c651188632e25318e). I have the qttools5-dev-tools package installed.

special commented 9 years ago

@manwesulimo2004 Can you try running:

ls -la `qmake -query QT_INSTALL_BINS`

and see if you have lrelease available there? On a Ubuntu system, that comes from qttools5-dev-tools.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Here is the output. As you can see lrelease is available and executable.

$ ls -la `qmake -query QT_INSTALL_BINS`
total 13048
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Sep 18 08:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root    4096 Sep 18 08:47 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1117776 Apr 10 11:23 assistant
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  426640 Apr 10 11:23 designer
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  278808 Apr 10 11:23 lconvert
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1407248 Apr 10 11:23 linguist
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  488536 Apr 10 11:23 lrelease
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  886328 Apr 10 11:23 lupdate
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1461344 Mai 12 11:44 moc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   44568 Apr 10 11:23 pixeltool
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   56656 Apr 10 11:23 qcollectiongenerator
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  253328 Mai 12 11:44 qdbuscpp2xml
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  115760 Apr 10 11:23 qdbusviewer
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   68408 Mai 12 11:44 qdbusxml2cpp
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1367448 Mai 12 11:44 qdoc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  156312 Apr 10 11:23 qhelpconverter
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   23232 Apr 10 11:23 qhelpgenerator
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3349656 Mai 12 11:44 qmake
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   23064 Apr 10 11:23 qtpaths
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1211376 Mai 12 11:44 rcc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   49109 Feb  1  2014 syncqt.pl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  536152 Mai 12 11:44 uic