ricochhet / Erupe-Legacy

A Monster Hunter Frontier server emulator.
MIT License
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ModuleNotFoundError #38

Open Scorchlette opened 2 years ago

Scorchlette commented 2 years ago

I've followed the Windows Client Installer guide to the t, but when I attempt to run the (normal version) client patcher through an admin cmd I get the following issue: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'frida'

Is this something other people have gotten, or have I fucked something up like I always do?

Stefan240 commented 2 years ago

Seems like you either did something wrong while installing frida or did not install it at all. Anyway please follow these steps: https://github.com/ricochhet/Erupe/blob/master/docs/Windows-Client-Install.md#step-2-download-python--install-frida

Please make sure that you covered point 2 of this step. If you have python installed already please remove it and reinstall while making sure the box in the installer is ticked. If you have something else let me know.

Scorchlette commented 2 years ago

Okay, it took a decent amount of finageling, but I have the client patcher working! (turns out what fixed it was switching to the other patcher .py file)

However, despite my modifying of the hosts file, I get a connection error splash when the launcher loads. today continues to prove my complete ineptitude when it comes to this...

Stefan240 commented 2 years ago

Maybe clearing your Internt Explorer-Cache might work in this case yet again. See here: https://github.com/ricochhet/Erupe/blob/master/docs/Troubleshooting.md#general-tips

Otherwise make sure the server is actually running (leave the Powershell Window open after typing go run . and the server IP in the config is the same as the one you listed in your hosts-file. (if you did not change anything it should be for local testing)

Otherwise check the output of powershell if it shows something of interest.

soulmizute commented 2 years ago

i'm really sorry if someone gets annoyed at this idiotic question, but how did you change the client patcher working as i din't understand any of it. im really sorry for the question but im just really stupid. it could be because i have multiple pythons downloaded but i have the same problem as you and am no using the highgrade patcher. please can you explain to me how you fixed it.

Stefan240 commented 2 years ago

i'm really sorry if someone gets annoyed at this idiotic question, but how did you change the client patcher working as i din't understand any of it. im really sorry for the question but im just really stupid. it could be because i have multiple pythons downloaded but i have the same problem as you and am no using the highgrade patcher. please can you explain to me how you fixed it.

Thing is. There are multiple ways this can not work. Did you run the script in an admin cmd (alternatively powershell)? Did you have the correct python-version installed? Did you check that checkbox while installing python to add it to you PATH? Did you install frida as instructed?

I will take guesses here: Please uninstall python, then reinstall it like described here: https://github.com/ricochhet/Erupe/blob/master/docs/Windows-Client-Install.md#step-2-download-python--install-frida

If it still won't run give me more detailed error report:

soulmizute commented 2 years ago

please understand that i have done everything correctly i havent trieed a power shell command however, i do have multiple versions of python downloaded but all of them are uninstalled but 3.8. whenever i try to run the game i have the server running. ill try powershell and ill tell you what happened edit: i didn't know what a admin cmd was but after a google search i think i now know as i have been using a command prompt by typing cmd in the file explorer search bar

DragonTrance commented 2 years ago

I'm also having this problem. It happens regardless if you restart your computer.

The following are the errors that came up: image

The above image forces the game to close soon after. The image below is from both no_gg_jp.py files the installation guide linked to. Everything after "mhfo.dll unpacked", including that line, appears after the game starts up


I do also have the mhfo.dll file itself in the game files image

soulmizute commented 2 years ago

i have the no_gg_jp.py in a seperate folder so that may be my problem yours may eb that you havent done something correct with the installed files