ricochhet / Erupe-Legacy

A Monster Hunter Frontier server emulator.
MIT License
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Infinite loading screen to Mezeporta #42

Closed Ruinedquill183 closed 2 years ago

Ruinedquill183 commented 2 years ago

So, I have the game working up until after character creation After I confirm the character and then confirm the weapon, I end up getting to the loading screen just before Mezeporta square And it stays there, I've tried waiting 20+ minutes hoping it was just taking a while to load but nothing I go to check on the erupe server cmd prompt and at the bottom I see []Recovered from panic pq: column "gcp" does not exist

What exactly do I do to fix this?

Stefan240 commented 2 years ago

Can I get a full log please? All you get from the terminal after starting the server up to the point where you get that error. It might help me out to figure whats wrong.

Any Error-Message from the client?

Ruinedquill183 commented 2 years ago

Can I get a full log please? All you get from the terminal after starting the server up to the point where you get that error. It might help me out to figure whats wrong.

Any Error-Message from the client?

As for the client no, it just stays in the loading screen as if it's trying to load but nothing else, no pop up saying there's an error just a loading screen

Ruinedquill183 commented 2 years ago

unknown-14 Ok here's one that goes from the VERY start of me getting the server going up until the no column: gcp thing

K-Lemu commented 2 years ago

I guess you are starting the server in a different erupe repository. In this repository, there is no column for gcp in the character table, and erupe\channelserver\ has a session but no file called sys_session. So, the process has a panic because there is no table and file for it to call.

Ruinedquill183 commented 2 years ago

I guess you are starting the server in a different erupe repository. In this repository, there is no column for gcp in the character table, and erupe\channelserver\ has a session but no file called sys_session. So, the process has a panic because there is no table and file for it to call.

Yknow, I'm not a tech savvy person but that does make sense I was running into a similar issue where I downloaded newer files for frontier, trying to run those, and instead it tried to open stuff from the old files as opposed to the newly downloaded files (I fixed this issue and eventually got the game to run up until this current issue after replacing all the old files with the new ones)

I tried two different guides for getting everything set up (and figured I should keep the files separate just so it would be easier to clean up one if it somehow didn't work but the other one did)

EDIT: so I have the old erupe stuff 100% replaced with the newer one, I might just be straight up missing a file or something that's causing this but that's just me shooting in the dark

K-Lemu commented 2 years ago

Yes, you're getting an error because you haven't created a database for that repository or done any migration. If you want to play with the newly downloaded repository, create a new database with pgAdmin or psql (I also create multiple databases for testing, like erupe2).

Then do the migration in the new repository file. If you have the migration file, you can use the same method, but if not, ask the person who created the repository. Some people use csv files, binaries, or sql queries to create tables and columns.

If you don't create one database in one repository, you will get the same panic/crash if there is no data in the database that the repository references. You cannot use multiple repositories for a single database. Please make sure to create a dedicated database for it in postgreSQL.

Ruinedquill183 commented 2 years ago

Okay I managed to contact someone else who had the same issue as myself and they essentially just told me to delete and remake the erupe server on pgAdmin 4, so I did, and it fixed the issue I appreciate the help!