ricohapi / media-storage-rest

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Stitching? #1

Open gsabran opened 8 years ago

gsabran commented 8 years ago

Hi, Great to see those APIs/libraries been built for the community! Is there any plan to offer stitching, either as a library people could run on their servers, or as part of your BAAS ? That'd be awesome for all the developers trying to build better user experiences, which would make you sell more cameras :) Again, very happy to see the recent move.

tsunon commented 8 years ago

Hi. Thank you for your interest. I need some time to discuss your question with our team. We’ll reply you very soon. Best Regards, Ricoh

tsunon commented 8 years ago

Hi. We are considering to be able to offer stitching, but the detailed plan hasn't been decided yet. When the plan is fixed, we will announce its information on our top page.

Best Regards, Ricoh