ricohapi / theta-api-specs

THETA API Specifications
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Z1 USB API Problem with continuous shooting (firmwares 2.30.1 and 3.0) #34

Open namjae opened 8 months ago

namjae commented 8 months ago


I encountered a problem with the latest firmware(2.30.1) while performing continuous shooting (using USB API via gphoto2, dual fish-eye mode). The Z1 camera becomes unable to shoot after a few minutes (the duration varies randomly between 0 and 20 minutes). This is a critical issue affecting our product.

There were no issues with the previous firmware version(2.11.1).

Could you please provide instructions on how to rollback(downgrade) the firmware of the Z1 Theta camera?

Alternatively, I would like to inquire if there are any plans for a new firmware release.

Thank you.

original message was posted a few months ago at

craig requested me to open an issue here last week via message.

DaisukeHohjoh commented 8 months ago


We started to check the problem which you pointed. Please wait for a while.

Best regards, Daisuke Hohjoh

DaisukeHohjoh commented 8 months ago


Ricoh tested it but actually we could not reproduce the issue at our side, with MacOS libgphoto2 and Theta Z1. What machine are you using, for our reference ?

Best regards, Daisuke Hohjoh

namjae commented 8 months ago

Oh, here's our testing environments:

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 H/W: GMK Nucbox5 (w/ 8G RAM) or ODROID-N2+ (w/ 4GByte RAM)

Thank you

namjae commented 5 months ago

any progress here?

nakju commented 5 months ago

Dear Manager.

This is Nathan Doh working as CEO of TeeLabs, where 'namjae (Mr. Dalho Park)' is working as the research head. Attached is our request for this matter, and hope to hear from you.

Best Regards Nathan


nakju commented 5 months ago

Dear DaisukeHohjoh

I found out that you are the engineer in charge. First of all, thanks for developing a good product. We were very much satisfied with RICOH and want to keep using it.

Would you mind reviewing the attached document?

Best Regards Nathan


DaisukeHohjoh commented 5 months ago

Dear @nakju

Thank you very much for sharing the document. Ricoh will review it internally soon. At this time, I am thinking that it maybe better & fast way for both of us that Ricoh provide the rollback method to TeeLabs.

Best regards, Daisuke Hohjoh

nakju commented 5 months ago

Dear Daisuke

I am very glad to hear that. I am happy to keep using (the best 360) RICOH for our customers.

I will notify my HW manager to prepare to order RICOH, and once we verify successful roll-back put the purchase order.

Thank you for your quick and kind reply.

Best Regards Nathan Doh

DaisukeHohjoh commented 5 months ago

Dear @nakju

Before providing rollback method to you, Ricoh will test again to verify whether Z1 firmware v2.11.1 does not cause this problem with Ubuntu machine. After verifying it, we will prepare the rollback method.

But, please note that rolling back firmware at your side will be needed Android Flash Tool like fastboot.exe and factory image. I think Ricoh can provide them but you need to execute this procedure manually.

So I am considering that we may need to discuss how to apply this solution at your customer side.

Anyway, I will update when our test finished.

Best regards, Daisuke Hohjoh

teevr commented 5 months ago

@DaisukeHohjoh Oh, thanks a lot. I think we can use a flash tool or something similar. If there are any confidential contents, feel free to email me directly at

DaisukeHohjoh commented 5 months ago

@nakju @namjae Ricoh tested with using past firmware & Linux machine, and test result is following.

Edit : 2024/01/20 09:00 v3.10.2 : fail (fw upgraded by desktop app) / success (fw upgraded by factory image) v3.01.1 : success (fw upgraded by factory image) v2.30.1 : success (fw upgraded by factory image) v2.20.3 : success (fw upgraded by factory image) v2.11.1 : success (fw upgraded by factory image) v2.00.1 : success (fw upgraded by factory image)

Do you want v2.11.1 specified, or want the latest version which does not cause this problem ?

@teevr I will send an e-mail, to discuss about NDA, to provide rollback method with TeeLabs.

teevr commented 5 months ago

@DaisukeHohjoh We didn't have a chance to test 2.20.3, in other words, we missed out on that version (cause 2.30.1 was already available). I think the newer, the better.

DaisukeHohjoh commented 5 months ago

@teevr Understood, let me proceed the discussion with e-mail. Thank you.