ricrpi / mupen64plus

A set of utilities for automatically installing mupen64plus on the Raspberry PI
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installation on a rpi2? openGL error on build! #20

Open rakesh-porob opened 9 years ago

rakesh-porob commented 9 years ago

I am trying to install the mupen64plus on the new Raspberry Pi 2 and I am having some major setbacks....and although I have read and tried the tips mentioned on issues/17 by NF3RNO I cannot the build to successfully complete. The installation is being performed on fresh image of raspbian after the basic update and upgrade commands.....Following the readme the commands: git clone https://github.com/ricrpi/mupen64plus and cd mupen64plus run successfully. But the command ./build.sh RaspbianList_Pi2 which I run w/ sudo builds halfway (i think) only to output an error stating I am missing openGL. I am not sure why considering openGL is supposed to be installed.

Then I tried to reconfigure the SDL2-2.0.3 using sudo ./configure --disable-video-opengl --disable-video-x11 --host=armv7l-raspberry-linux-gnueabihf --enable-video CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/vc/include then sudo make; and sudo make install. But after configuration on sudo make I receive a new error Makefile:159: **Mupen64plus API header files not found!

NF3RN0 commented 9 years ago

APIDIR=/home/pi/mupen64plus/ricrpi/mupen64plus-core/src/api put this before ./build.sh I believe.

rakesh-porob commented 9 years ago

Ok will try it again! I and see if the error message changes.....some where on the raspberry pi forum someone had the same issue and the suggestion was to install sdl-1.2 and libglu1-mesa-dev...but that in itself caused issues w/ game play.....anyways will try it out and update the results! Thanks

rakesh-porob commented 9 years ago

So i started with a fresh install again and like before did the update/upgrade and performed the configuration of SDL2-2.0.3. running the build command as APIDIR=/home/pi/mupen64plus/ricrpi/mupen64plus-core/src/api ./build.sh before installing the libglu1-mesa-dev and I receive the make: Entering directory //home/pi/mupen64plus/ricrpi/mupen64plus-core/projects/unix' Makefile:107: Architecture "arm7l" not officially supported.' Makefile:296: *** No OpenGL development libraries found!. Stop. make: Leaving directory//home/pi/mupen64plus/ricrpi/mupen64plus-core/projects/unix' running the same build code after libglu1-mesa-dev progressed further....will update once completed

rakesh-porob commented 9 years ago

Okay after performing the new build I received another error trying to build the video-gles2n64 plugin. On one line it says make file entering directory /home/pi/mupen64plus/ricrpi/mupen64plus-video-gles2n64/projects/unix followed by rm -f -r _obj mupenplus-video-n64.so then it enteres the same directory again and looks for a directory pu=neon and with no directory found or target to make one it fails....

on issue 17 you mentioned about adding CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon.....could you please explain what file you edited.

NF3RN0 commented 9 years ago

The file you want to edit is /home/pi/mupen64plus/ricrpi/mupen64plus-video-gles2n64/projects/unix/Makefile there should be a ifeq statement labeled neon.

Add: CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon

However, I think that there was an addition to that file in order to make the same result work and that should not be needed. Sorry it took me a while to reply.

gizmo98 commented 9 years ago

There is a neon addition in mupen64plus-video-gles2n64 now. If NEON=1 and OPTFLAGS has no neon flags -mfpu=neon will be set.