ricsanfre / pi-cluster

Pi Kubernetes Cluster. Homelab kubernetes cluster automated with Ansible and FluxCD
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Configure ElasticSearch ILM policies (data retention policies) and Index templates (data model) for Fluentd logs #107

Closed ricsanfre closed 1 year ago

ricsanfre commented 1 year ago

Enhancement Request

1) Apply logs retention policies through the configuration of Elasticsearh Index Lifecycle Management policies.

2) Use index template for fluentd logs, so mappings can be configured (data types, indexing parameters, etc.)

Index Lifecycle Management (ILM) to automate the management of indices, and setting retention policies.


Implementation Details

Fluend elastic-search-plugin already support ILM and Index templates configuration: See plugin FAQ

ricsanfre commented 1 year ago

Fluentd elasticsearch plugin ILM and index templates configuration

Fluentd-elasticsearch plugin supports the creation of index templates and ILM policies associated to them during the process of creating a new index in ES.

See FAQ - Enable ILM

Installing dependencies: elasticsearch-xpack

In order to enable ILM in fluend-elasticsearch-plugin, elasticsearch-xpack gem need to be installed. Fluentd-aggregator docker image need to be updated:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=fluent/fluentd:v1.15.3-debian-1.2



# Use root account to use apk
USER root

RUN buildDeps="sudo make gcc g++ libc-dev" \
 && apt-get update \
 && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $buildDeps \
 && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-elasticsearch  \
 && sudo gem install elasticsearch-xpack \
 && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-prometheus \
 && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-record-modifier \
 && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-grafana-loki \
 && sudo gem sources --clear-all \
    apt-get purge -y --auto-remove \
                  -o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false \
                  $buildDeps \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
 && rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/* /usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/cache/*.ge

COPY ./conf/fluent.conf /fluentd/etc/
COPY ./conf/forwarder.conf /fluentd/etc/
COPY ./conf/prometheus.conf /fluentd/etc/

# COPY entry
COPY entrypoint.sh /fluentd/entrypoint.sh

# Environment variables

# Run as fluent user. Do not need to have privileges to access /var/log directory
USER fluent
ENTRYPOINT ["tini",  "--", "/fluentd/entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["fluentd"]

When building this new docker image the following warning appear:

WARNING: This library is deprecated The API endpoints currently living in elasticsearch-xpack will be moved into elasticsearch-api in version 8.0.0 and forward. You should be able to keep using elasticsearch-xpack and the xpack namespace in 7.x. We're running the same tests in elasticsearch-xpack, but if you encounter any problems, please let us know in this issue: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-ruby/issues/1274

Currently the plugin does not support elasticsearch-api and elasticsearh-xpack need to be used. See https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch/issues/937

Configuring fluentd es output

Following the example of configuring the plugin using ILM fixed index names, not using logstash format and not creating a new index per day, and dynamic index template configuration

      <match **>
        @type elasticsearch
        @id out_es
        @log_level info
        include_tag_key true
        scheme http
        user "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER'] || use_default}"
        password "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD'] || use_default}"

        # Reload and reconnect options
        reload_connections false
        reconnect_on_error true
        reload_on_failure true
        request_timeout 15s

        log_es_400_reason true

        # avoid 7.x errors
        suppress_type_name true

        # setting sniffer class
        sniffer_class_name Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchSimpleSniffer

        # Setting index_name
        logstash_format false
        # setting index_name
        index_name fluentd
        # specifying time key
        time_key time
        # including @timestamp field
        include_timestamp true

        # ILM Settings - WITH ROLLOVER support
        # https://github.com/uken/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch/blob/master/README.Troubleshooting.md#enable-index-lifecycle-management
        # rollover_index true
        application_name "fluentd"
        index_date_pattern ""
        enable_ilm true
        ilm_policy_id fluentd
        ilm_policy {"policy":{"phases":{"hot":{"min_age":"0ms","actions":{"rollover":{"max_age":"3d","max_size":"20gb"},"set_priority":{"priority":100}}},"warm":{"actions":{"allocate":{"include":{},"exclude":{},"require":{"data":"warm"}},"set_priority":{"priority":50}}},"delete":{"min_age":"90d","actions":{"delete":{}}}}}}
        ilm_policy_overwrite true

        # index template
        use_legacy_template false
        template_overwrite true
        template_name fluentd
        template_file "/etc/fluent/template/fluentd-es-template.json"
        customize_template {"<<shard>>": "1","<<replica>>": "0"}

          flush_thread_count "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_FLUSH_THREAD_COUNT'] || '8'}"
          flush_interval "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_FLUSH_INTERVAL'] || '5s'}"
          chunk_limit_size "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_CHUNK_LIMIT_SIZE'] || '2M'}"
          queue_limit_length "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT_LENGTH'] || '32'}"
          retry_max_interval "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_BUFFER_RETRY_MAX_INTERVAL'] || '30'}"
          retry_forever true

Where fluentd-es-template.json file contains index template definition,

      "index_patterns": ["mock"],
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index": {
            "lifecycle": {
              "name": "mock",
              "rollover_alias": "mock"
            "number_of_shards": "<<shard>>",
            "number_of_replicas": "<<replica>>"

fluentd-elasticsearh-plugin replaces index_patterns and index.template.settings.index.lifecycle by attributes specified in configuration (ilm_policy, index_name, etc.) . That is the reason of "mock" word in the template. It will be replaced in run-time.

Adding index template file as config map

In Kubernetes environment the file containing the index template definition can be stored in a config-map mounted as a volume in the fluentd pod

Latest version of the plugin does not create ILM policy in ES 8.6 but previous versions does

When deploying fluentd with the new configuration, using the modified fluentd docker image, index template and index are created but the associated ILM policy is not created, even when the syntax in the policy is OK

fluentd error log is the following:

2023-03-11 12:59:01 +0000 [info]: #0 [out_es] Installing ILM policy: {"policy"=>{"phases"=>{"hot"=>{"min_age"=>"0ms", "actions"=>{"rollover"=>{"max_age"=>"3d", "max_size"=>"20gb"}, "set_priority"=>{"priority"=>100}}}, "warm"=>{"actions"=>{"allocate"=>{"include"=>{}, "exclude"=>{}, "require"=>{"data"=>"warm"}}, "set_priority"=>{"priority"=>50}}}, "delete"=>{"min_age"=>"90d", "actions"=>{"delete"=>{}}}}}}
2023-03-11 12:59:03 +0000 [warn]: #0 [out_es] Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. [400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"x_content_parse_exception","reason":"[1:12] [policy] unknown field [phases]"}],"type":"x_content_parse_exception","reason":"[1:12] [policy] unknown field [phases]"},"status":400}

Using Kibana development UI, the policy can be created without issues.

It seems that the current version of the plugin does not support properly ILM in ES 8.x, since it is using a deprecated gem: elasticsearch-xpack.

Testing previous version of the plugin using ES 7.x dependencies

fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset (https://github.com/fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset) docker image, which is the one installed by default by the fluentd helm chart, does not have yet a version for 8.x. Docker images available are just tagged as 7.0, and it seems that this docker images built initially for ES 7.x are working with ES 8.x. See https://github.com/fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset/issues/1373

Latest docker image available, containing elasticsearch plugins (v1.15/debian-elasticsearch7) uses a previous version of fluentd-elasticsearch-plugin and its dependencies). See Gemfile used in Dockerfile to install all plugins and its dependencies:

gem "fluentd", "1.15.3"
gem "elasticsearch", "~> 7.0"
gem "fluent-plugin-elasticsearch", "~> 5.1.1"
gem "elasticsearch-xpack", "~> 7.0"

The docker image is installing the following gems:

Modifiying fluentd-aggregator docker image to use release 5.1.1 of the plugin and elasticsearch 7 dependencies, solves the issue.

New Dockerfile:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=fluent/fluentd:v1.15.3-debian-1.2



# Use root account to use apk
USER root

RUN buildDeps="sudo make gcc g++ libc-dev" \
 && apt-get update \
 && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $buildDeps \
 && sudo gem install elasticsearch -v '~> 7.0' \
 && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-elasticsearch -v '~> 5.1.1' \
 && sudo gem install elasticsearch-xpack -v '~> 7.0' \
 && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-prometheus \
 && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-record-modifier \
 && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-grafana-loki \
 && sudo gem sources --clear-all \
    apt-get purge -y --auto-remove \
                  -o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false \
                  $buildDeps \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
 && rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/* /usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/cache/*.ge

COPY ./conf/fluent.conf /fluentd/etc/
COPY ./conf/forwarder.conf /fluentd/etc/
COPY ./conf/prometheus.conf /fluentd/etc/

# COPY entry
COPY entrypoint.sh /fluentd/entrypoint.sh

# Environment variables

# Run as fluent user. Do not need to have privileges to access /var/log directory
USER fluent
ENTRYPOINT ["tini",  "--", "/fluentd/entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["fluentd"]
ricsanfre commented 1 year ago

Dynamic Index

As additional configuration I am trying to create separate index for different containers/app. Each index will have their own ES mapping and their specific index template. This would be an alternative solution to issue #58, avoiding the conflicts of data types ingesting data into ES when using fluentbit's kubernetes filter Merge_Log option.

Dynamic index configuration

Dynamic index and dynamic templates can be configured in fluentd-elasticsearch-plugin making use of template_customize option.

With the following configuration a separate index will be generated for each tuple (namespace, container), using a common ILM policy and setting automatic rollover.