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Mangadex - URL not supported #1579

Open leoteesh opened 5 years ago

leoteesh commented 5 years ago


Is anyone else getting trouble downloading from mangadex? i keep getting url not supported error when i copy and paste in fmd


Any advice is much appreciated. thanks

SDXC commented 5 years ago

Remove the www. from the url.


leoteesh commented 5 years ago

thanks - it worked. not sure why it came up with the www.

Playcool92 commented 5 years ago

Remove the www. from the url.

https://mangadex.org image

It is not working, also when I try to use mangapark or any other website, loads the info but not the chapters.

SDXC commented 5 years ago

It is not working, also when I try to use mangapark or any other website, loads the info but not the chapters.

Just tested it. Seems to be working at least on a general level. Which version of FMD do you use and are your LUA scripts up-to-date?

Playcool92 commented 5 years ago

It is not working, also when I try to use mangapark or any other website, loads the info but not the chapters.

Just tested it. Seems to be working at least on a general level. Which version of FMD do you use and are your LUA scripts up-to-date?

I m using the lastest version out less than a day ago I believe (default setts, didnt touch anything), doesnt work with mangadex, but that is not anything new, could never have that website running with that. Have also tried other websites, it works in general BUT it doesnt work with mangapark: https://github.com/riderkick/FMD/issues/1584

It used to work, but seems things were changed due to another user request, and now it doesnt work for me, it listed the info with mangapark.me, but not the chapter list which was my problem, and with mangapark,net, doesnt even load the link.