riderkick / FMD

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Help! my fmd is not working #753

Open hlaxkar opened 6 years ago

hlaxkar commented 6 years ago

for some reason my FMD is unable to start . i downloaded new one now i want to get my Downloads,favorites,mangalist back. so what files should i overwrite from previous one to new ?

hlaxkar commented 6 years ago

i tried overwriting config Data and works folder and the end result is this image

Squidii commented 6 years ago

ill try helping, dont know much about the program tho:( what did your previous config, data and works folder have in them? screenshot would help your previous config folder should have a mangalist.ini and some other stuff depending on your previous version

your data folder should have a list of your previous websites e.g. mangalist.db(actual name of your manga list you previously had) in your works folder all you favourite.db, downloaded.db, downloadedchapters.db & downloadedchapters.db-journal you could also try adding the manga list back via options websites etc. and see if it loads anything

if you didnt have the files mentioned in your prev folder you were probably running a version before they started implement .db into the program(just a guess) hope you find the issue.

hlaxkar commented 6 years ago

this is my folders.... and as i said i tried overwriting the folders. i got my favorites and download history back but websites are unavilable every other thing is fine (like downloading and downloaded chapter history) and i can't add websites from options either..... nor can i download them... i hope there will be update soon so that my files will get updated. image image

Squidii commented 6 years ago

Thats weird, i recreated your problem on my side with no problems oldest version i had was fmd_0.9.93.0 all i really did was extract the newest version fmd_0.9.126.0 on my desktop ran the new version just to make sure the websites do show on the Options--->Websites tab (which they do) i downloaded Mangafox download list from the server(which worked) this should create a data folder

now this is where the overwriting part comes in you said you got favorites and download history back so that's fine i dragged and dropped all my manganame.db from old version data folder to new data folder the only thing i didn't overwrite was the config folder since this was giving me the same problem as yours with no websites showing

once done I ran the new version all my previous favs and and downloads are showing now i had to add all the previous websites Options--->Websites which should show since we didn't overwrite the config folder check all the necessary boxes that you want they should show in your Managainfo tab, but most websites don't update still waiting on an update :(

Tmp341 commented 6 years ago

If you really need your settings;

  1. config\accounts.db
  2. config\config.ini
  3. config\mangalist.ini
  4. works\downloadedchapters.db
  5. works\downloads.db
  6. works\favoritess.db

Try to edit 2nd and 3rd files with notepad. I think yours are corrupted.