ridgeback / ridgeback

Common packages for Ridgeback.
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URDF with ros force based move problem #31

Closed kamoonty closed 3 years ago

kamoonty commented 4 years ago

In your description file, I have noticed that PublishOdomTF was set to "false" refer to the plugin named ros_force_based move. Then you use Odometry from IMU instead if I understand clearly. My question is

  1. What is the problem with PublishOdomTF, so you stop publishing this message?
  2. I have tried to modify Ridgeback description and launch file to make multiple robot simulation. However, there are too many parameters to modify from EKF localization node and others. Could you please suggest me how to make multiple Ridgeback simulation?

And I also have tried the original ros force based move plugin from hector_gazebo. It has the problem that I can't get the robot position in y axis from Rviz. Do you have the same problem with me ?

Privilger commented 4 years ago

Hi, For the question2, I have fixed the multiple robot simulation, the problem is that the odom is set constant. Check the pull request #33.

kamoonty commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your reply

Privilger commented 4 years ago

I add namespace to gazebo plugin also. It solve the ekf localization node problme. Check the pull request #34.

civerachb-cpr commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity.