ridvikpal / resume

My personal resume detailing my education, work experience, projects and skills. It is written in vanilla LaTeX.
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SQL table support... #1

Open PySimpleGUI opened 1 month ago

PySimpleGUI commented 1 month ago

Hi there.... I was going to ask this in your SinplyTrack repo, but I can't, so I'll do it here if that's OK.

You mentioned that Qt has support for SQL tables (and PySimpleGUI lacks some features thus the migration). I've got a few projects where I work with SQL tables and wondering what's missing that would be of help. I very recently added support for editing single cells, but that's not a SQL kinda thing.

Thanks for your time.

ridvikpal commented 1 month ago

Hi, so honestly it's been a while since I made SimplyTrack (it was just meant to be a side project to learn more about python), so I may be a bit fuzzy about the details. Since I was new to python and GUI development, I used PySimpleGUI for SimplyTrack. To interact with the MySQL database, I believe I manually loaded the data using mysql connector and then put it into a list. Then I displayed the list in a PySimpleGUI table. From what I recall, in Qt you can create a object model mapper for your database and display the data directly, without having to manually create a list and display that. Kind of how it is done in Java with Spring Boot or .NET with Entity Framework. It is basically the MVC architecture. Here is a link that may be of help.

Also, thanks for making PySimpleGUI, it really helped me learn the basics of GUI development for desktop apps. I really appreciate the hard work and I hope PySimpleSoft is successful. Good luck!