Need to use INET resultfilter i.e already available under extern/inet/src/inet/common/
in artery. How can I do this? Any clue is appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Actually I need to collect receiving power of the packets.For this have noticed a resultfilter "ReceptionMinSignalPowerFilter" as below in INET
Need to use INET resultfilter i.e already available under extern/inet/src/inet/common/ in artery. How can I do this? Any clue is appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Actually I need to collect receiving power of the packets.For this have noticed a resultfilter "ReceptionMinSignalPowerFilter" as below in INET
Register_ResultFilter("receptionMinSignalPower", ReceptionMinSignalPowerFilter);
void ReceptionMinSignalPowerFilter::receiveSignal(cResultFilter prev, simtime_t_cref t, cObject object, cObject details) { if (auto reception = dynamic_cast<inet::physicallayer::FlatReceptionBase >(object)) { W minReceptionPower = reception->computeMinPower(reception->getStartTime(), reception->getEndTime()); fire(this, t, minReceptionPower.get(), details); } }
Regards, Ambica