rienafairefr / pynYNAB

a python client for the new YNAB
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db branch beta test #14

Closed abesto closed 8 years ago

abesto commented 8 years ago

First impressions follow. I got around to this pretty late today, so I didn't follow up on things I could've. Will do more testing in a few days. All this is using the CSV import script.

rienafairefr commented 8 years ago

Thanks for taking the time!


abesto commented 8 years ago

Glad to hear some of this is useful :)

Started tracking down why transactions were not added with the CSV import, got as far as verifying that nheadears works in the schema, then started getting this exception on all runs. Only on the db branch, not on master:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/abesto/playground/otp2ynab-db-test/virtualenv/src/pynynab/pynYNAB/scripts/csvimport.py", line 170, in <module>
  File "/Users/abesto/playground/otp2ynab-db-test/virtualenv/src/pynynab/pynYNAB/scripts/csvimport.py", line 46, in csvimport_main
  File "/Users/abesto/playground/otp2ynab-db-test/virtualenv/src/pynynab/pynYNAB/scripts/csvimport.py", line 166, in do_csvimport
  File "/Users/abesto/playground/otp2ynab-db-test/virtualenv/src/pynynab/pynYNAB/scripts/csvimport.py", line 130, in transaction_list
    entities_subcategory_id = get_subcategory(client,master,sub).id
  File "/Users/abesto/playground/otp2ynab-db-test/virtualenv/src/pynynab/pynYNAB/scripts/common.py", line 37, in get_subcategory
    s for s in client.budget.be_subcategories
  File "/Users/abesto/playground/otp2ynab-db-test/virtualenv/src/pynynab/pynYNAB/scripts/common.py", line 38, in <genexpr>
    if s.master_category.name == master_category_name and s.name == subcategory_name)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'

My best guess is something changed on the server side that breaks the relationships between the master and the subcategories, but I lack a bunch of domain knowledge to verify that.

rienafairefr commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I guess it's a matter of the database being all populated on the client side, basically this part of the code is searching for a subcategory in the client database, and probably some Subcategory objects (maybe all), don't yet have the entities_master_category_id field populated or linked, so the s.master_category (which loads the "parent" MasterCategory) returns None. I've just pushed a change that might prevent the system crashing when searching a subcategory, give it a try :-)

abesto commented 8 years ago

Hm, now I'm getting this:

ERROR:pynYNAB:Couldnt find this master:subcategory True Expenses:Medical

In debug mode there's this line (way before the error), I guess this shows that at one point or another we knew about the category:

DEBUG:pynYNAB:track_append {'entities_account_id': None, 'name': 'Medical', 'note': None, 'type': 'DFT', 'goal_creation_month': None, 'entities_master_category_id': '6c1839a9-eb24-4319-b6fa-4398f6d3ad9b', 'monthly_funding': 0, 'target_balance_month': None, 'internal_name': None, 'id': '7bce7602-b1b0-43b5-bed5-39dfc0fd0ef8', 'sortable_index': 190000, 'target_balance': 0.0, 'is_hidden': None, 'goal_type': None, 'is_tombstone': False}

Is it possible there's something strange with this budget? (This would be so much easier if there was a test account to reproduce issues. At some point I might subscribe for one if it makes sense)

rienafairefr commented 8 years ago

Well, if this budget doesn't contain a category named True Expenses with a subcategory Medical, then the message makes sense. Does 6c1839a9-eb24-4319-b6fa-4398f6d3ad9b correspond to a master_category named "True Expenses" ?

Do you think the csv import should create the category if it does not exist ? Or maybe erroring out like this is better ?

abesto commented 8 years ago

The master category is indeed "True Expenses", so to the best of my knowledge the category exists.

I think not creating categories on import is a sensible default, it's what I expected when first starting to use the importer. Maybe an option down the line makes sense.

rienafairefr commented 8 years ago

It's really weird, AFAIK the category import is working, look at the test test_import_categoryschema or recently added test_import_categoryschema_bad_category, they both pass.

I've just committed some debug statements to look at the be_subcategories and be_master_categories collections when searching for a subcategory, maybe it'll help see the problem

abesto commented 8 years ago

Alright, gonna assume my test budget is messed up. Will create a new one and see what's what. (Expect a few days delay). I'm out of comments about the branch by the way :)


rienafairefr commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your feedback :-) I'll probably take the plunge and merge the branch very soon, I'm closing this issue for now, don't hesitate to open another one if problems arise. Cheers