riensen / Auto-GPT-Email-Plugin

Revolutionize email management with the Auto-GPT Email Plugin, leveraging AI to automate drafting, intelligent replies, and seamless inbox control.
MIT License
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AI using "to" instead of "recipient" and "body" instead of "message" #6

Closed finster869 closed 1 year ago

finster869 commented 1 year ago

Whenever the AI uses send_email, it uses "to" instead of "recipient" and "body" instead of "message". I then have to tell it through the console to use "recipient" and "message" in order for it to send the email. Does anybody else have this issue? Any ideas how to fix it?

Eeasonn commented 1 year ago

Yeah.. I've encountered the same problem, waiting for solve

riensen commented 1 year ago

Please retry with the latest version. I pushed some updates.

finster869 commented 1 year ago

Hi Riensen. Thanks for taking a look at it. Unfortunately, I am still having the same issue. It tries to send the email to "to" instead of recipient and uses "body" instead of "message" resulting in an error. If I input to use recipient and message, it ultimately works, but takes multiple tries.

riensen commented 1 year ago

Have you used the current version, zipped it again and put it in the plugins folder? It should now only accept to and body: https://github.com/riensen/Auto-GPT-Email-Plugin/blob/master/src/autogpt_plugins/email/__init__.py#L46

In fact using message should give an error now

finster869 commented 1 year ago

Yes, it now works for me. Although I updated the code via Github desktop, I had forgotten to move the zip file into the correct folder. It now works perfectly. Thanks for all of your efforts!!!!