rietho / IPO

A Tool for automated Optimization of XCMS Parameters
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IPO error message for UseMethod("sendData") #37

Closed leichtle closed 8 years ago

leichtle commented 8 years ago

Dear developers team, Running the IPO scripts ('optimize XcmsSet()') I run into the error:

Fehler in UseMethod("sendData") : nicht anwendbare Methode für 'sendData' auf Objekt der Klasse "c('forknode', 'SOCK0node')" angewendet (in German, meaning "Error in UseMethod("sendData") : not applicable method for 'sendData' on an object of class "c('forknode', 'SOCK0node')"").


Suspicion: IPO calls 'parallel', and after the execution of the DoE code, 'snow' is attached. I suppose, 'snow' should be detached before a new DoE run starts. A similar issue has been described for package {secr}. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Best regards, Alex

rietho commented 8 years ago

Thank you sharing your issue! We already discovered this problem and so we can confirm your proposed solution. I'll push a fix today and will let you know.

rietho commented 8 years ago

Ok, IPO is now on version 1.7.5 and your issue should be fixed. Can you confirm that?

leichtle commented 8 years ago

Seems to run properly now. Many thanks & best regards, Alex