rifaterdemsahin / aif

Adaptive Intelligence Framework
5 stars 7 forks source link

Respond to upwork and find a freelancers to complete the task #290

Closed rifaterdemsahin closed 5 years ago

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago


rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

TODO : Cagla open upwork account TODO : Share your email with erdem TODO : enter the team TODO : Reply to this task TODO: Find a freelancer TDODO : do the task TODO : send images to erdem

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

Upwork team -- | -- | -- pexabo | pexabo (20353590) | ActionToggle Actions Dropdown

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago


rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago


rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

make sure that we get indexed with DevOps related keywords and don't be shy about apologizing to people it is ok to make mistakes we can use multiple people to complete task.


CaglaCetinkaya commented 5 years ago

Use Google Drive format to take Images and Images have to be high quality and curiosity

CaglaCetinkaya commented 5 years ago

Hannah has been hired, I created a google document messaged her to get her email address. Have not heard from her yet