rifaterdemsahin / aif

Adaptive Intelligence Framework
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Feedback form and database connection #342

Open rifaterdemsahin opened 5 years ago

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

Bumpy Firebase Slack

Have privacy policy link on there https://youtu.be/e3rAN2wIFFg

Treslina commented 5 years ago

I will talk to Binoy and take this prefab and integrate it to unity

Treslina commented 5 years ago

skype live:binoyfly

Treslina commented 5 years ago

Asked Binoy the status of that, will be updated according to the reply

binofly commented 5 years ago

Hi Rifat Here is the Firebase feedback integration video https://youtu.be/oglur4yMz4Y I understand the priority of this assets and so uploading the Prefab here before your call Firebase_feedBack_form.zip

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

video looks good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oglur4yMz4Y&feature=youtu.be

binofly commented 5 years ago


binofly commented 5 years ago


rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

please use this folder structure and make sure to use google drive.


rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago


how to download sdk

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago


say yes image

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

Check this editor and plugin folder is creating technical debt...in the project @Treslina

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

error image Generation of the Firebase Android resource file google-services.xml from Assets/google-services.json failed. If you have not included a valid Firebase Android resources in your app it will fail to initialize. python "/Users/rifaterdemsahin/maze/Hare/Assets/../Assets/Firebase/Editor/generate_xml_from_google_services_json.py" -i "Assets/google-services.json" -l.

/usr/bin/python: can't open file '/Users/rifaterdemsahin/maze/Hare/Assets/../Assets/Firebase/Editor/generate_xml_from_google_services_json.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

You can start to diagnose this issue by executing "python "/Users/rifaterdemsahin/maze/Hare/Assets/../Assets/Firebase/Editor/generate_xml_from_google_services_json.py" -i "Assets/google-services.json" -l." from the command line. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:RunResourceGenerator(String, String, Boolean) Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:ReadBundleIds(String) Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:UpdateConfigFileDirectory() Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:CheckConfiguration() Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:.cctor() UnityEditor.EditorAssemblies:ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes()

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

it has to be a json file.ending was wrong

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

bug it does not work when it is empty image

rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

send one image


rifaterdemsahin commented 5 years ago

@binofly screen is not aligned please answer @dorukugur he needs to align with design @Treslina questions on firebase as he will refactor this code

binofly commented 5 years ago

@rifaterdemsahin I will upload a new UI prefab

binofly commented 5 years ago


please cross check your unity Bundle Identifier and google-service.json identifier whether those are same ,else correct it


binofly commented 5 years ago

Hi @dorukugur and @rifaterdemsahin Here I'm placing the new UI Prefab of Firebase feedback Form . https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ByqT9VDohciDkynOdE0F2hmmzeaJZDUQ/view?usp=sharing

Treslina commented 5 years ago

@dorukugur @rifaterdemsahin I reimport the newest unitypackage from the comment