rifazn / MyDay

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Find something that uses markdown for making presentations, so that we don't have to resort to pptx(or even LOffice) #3

Open rifazn opened 4 years ago

rifazn commented 4 years ago

Making presentations using MS Office, or even Libre Office is turining out to be not so pleasurable. A better way would be to write slides in md and have them converted to some nice pdfs that can be modified using CSS. Find the tool.

rifazn commented 4 years ago

I've found 6 such tools. Most of them are great. They are:

  1. GitPitch
  2. "Writing beamer slides with Markdown"
  3. Wiki2beamer
  4. jxnblk/mdx_deck
  5. adamzap/landslide
  6. FormidableLabs/spectacle

I have decided to choose "5. adamzap/landslide" for now.