I am trying to run chi2kraus function, but I can't import pyquil.gate_matrices, it says No module named pyquil.gate_matrices. I installed pyquil and I can import pyquil,gates..
The same thing happens when I try to import operator tools and no module names forest.benchmarking.operator_tools
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_8765/4045591460.py in <module>
1 from pyquil.gates import I, X, Y, Z, H, CNOT
----> 2 from forest.benchmarking.operator_tools import chi2kraus
3 #import forest.benchmarking.operator_tools.superoperator_transformations.chi2kraus as chi2k
4 chi2kraus(exp_idt)
~/forest-benchmarking/forest/benchmarking/operator_tools/__init__.py in <module>
2 from .channel_approximation import *
3 from .compose_superoperators import *
----> 4 from .project_superoperators import *
5 from .superoperator_transformations import *
6 from .random_operators import *
~/forest-benchmarking/forest/benchmarking/operator_tools/project_superoperators.py in <module>
14 from scipy import linalg
15 from forest.benchmarking.operator_tools.calculational import partial_trace
---> 16 from forest.benchmarking.operator_tools.superoperator_transformations import vec, unvec, kraus2choi
~/forest-benchmarking/forest/benchmarking/operator_tools/superoperator_transformations.py in <module>
28 from typing import Sequence, Tuple, List, Optional
29 import numpy as np
---> 30 from forest.benchmarking.utils import n_qubit_pauli_basis
~/forest-benchmarking/forest/benchmarking/utils.py in <module>
11 from pyquil.gates import I, RX, RY, RZ, H, MEASURE
---> 12 from pyquil.gate_matrices import X, Y, Z
13 from pyquil.paulis import PauliTerm
14 from pyquil.quil import Program
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyquil.gate_matrices
I am trying to run chi2kraus function, but I can't import pyquil.gate_matrices, it says No module named pyquil.gate_matrices. I installed pyquil and I can import pyquil,gates..
The same thing happens when I try to import operator tools and no module names forest.benchmarking.operator_tools