rightsstatements / data-model

rightsstatements.org data model
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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include "One sentence description of the Rights Statement" in the data model? #55

Closed paul2keller closed 6 years ago

paul2keller commented 6 years ago

the "One sentence description of the Rights Statement" (a.k.a short description) field from the statements tables that we use in the white paper and in the translation templates is not part of the data model. This feels like something that should be fixed (we are spending ressources on translating these strings) but it may also have been a conscious decision. We may want to discuss this at one of the next occasions where we have both the tech WG and the statements WG present (I.e a steering committee meeting)

aisaac commented 6 years ago

Hi Paul, we have started a thread with the Tech WG at https://basecamp.com/1768384/projects/5077375/messages/75056838. We hope to come back with an answer soon. And please don't feel any rush to comment in this thread yourself, as we feel it is a good opportunity for us to re-start some useful technical discussions as a WG.

anarchivist commented 6 years ago

Proposal from the 2018-01-22 call is to use dcterms:description to represent this data.

aisaac commented 6 years ago

@anarchivist this is just a reminder that we also probably need to do this one before the update for the DE translation.