rigoudyg / climaf

CliMAF - a Climate Model Analysis Framework - doc at : http://climaf.readthedocs.org/
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summary(ensemble) should display differently the keyword used for referencing the members #200

Open jypeter opened 3 years ago

jypeter commented 3 years ago

In the example below, the realization is used as the key for the ensemble members, and should probably not appear in the key/values section at the top of the summary ('realization': 'r10i1p1f2' below does not mean anything). Or it should appear differently ('realization': '*' ?)

>>> req_cmip6 = ds(project='CMIP6', variable='pr', period='*',
...                table='Amon', model='CNRM-CM6-1',
...                realization='*'
...               )

>>> multirealization_cmip6 = req_cmip6.explore('ensemble')

>>> multirealization_cmip6.keys()
dict_keys(['r10i1p1f2', 'r11i1p1f2', 'r12i1p1f2', 'r13i1p1f2', 'r14i1p1f2', 'r15i1p1f2', 'r16i1p1f2', 'r17i1p1f2', 'r18i1p1f2', 'r19i1p1f2', 'r1i1p1f2', 'r20i1p1f2', 'r21i1p1f2', 'r22i1p1f2', 'r24i1p1f2', 'r25i1p1f2', 'r26i1p1f2', 'r27i1p1f2', 'r28i1p1f2', 'r29i1p1f2', 'r2i1p1f2', 'r30i1p1f2', 'r3i1p1f2', 'r4i1p1f2', 'r5i1p1f2', 'r6i1p1f2', 'r7i1p1f2', 'r8i1p1f2', 'r9i1p1f2'])

>>> summary(multirealization_cmip6)
Keys - values:
{'project': 'CMIP6', 'simulation': '', 'variable': 'pr', 'period': 1850-2014, 'domain': 'global', 'root': '/bdd', 'model': 'CNRM-CM6-1', 'institute': 'CNRM-CERFACS', 'mip': 'CMIP', 'table': 'Amon', 'experiment': 'historical',
'realization': 'r10i1p1f2',
'grid': 'gr', 'version': 'latest'}
-- Ensemble members: