This is probably explained in the cdo documentation. I don't have time to (re)read right now, but a note about what happens in the following cases would not hurt in the llbox : extract a latitude-longitude box documentation
llbox arguments:
latmin : minimum latitude
latmax : maximum latitude
lonmin : minimum longitude
lonmax : maximum longitude
What happens when the llbox and object longitude domains don't match, but the domains could be automatically shifted by taking the 360 degrees periodicity into account? e.g. the object is defined on [0, 360[ and the user requests [-180, 180[. Do you get a full new object on [-180, 180[, or an intersection of only [0, 180[
What happens when the object latitudes are increasing, e.g. [-90, 90], and the user requests decreasing latitudes on purpose, e.g latmin=90, latmax=0. Do you get nothing, northern hemisphere with increasing latitudes, or northern hemisphere with decreasing latitudes?
This is probably explained in the cdo documentation. I don't have time to (re)read right now, but a note about what happens in the following cases would not hurt in the llbox : extract a latitude-longitude box documentation
llbox arguments:
Object domain:
latmin_obj, latmax_obj, lonmin_obj, lonmax_obj