rigoudyg / climaf

CliMAF - a Climate Model Analysis Framework - doc at : http://climaf.readthedocs.org/
16 stars 7 forks source link

Mention the "spirit" servers at IPSL #243

Closed jypeter closed 1 year ago

jypeter commented 1 year ago

The documentation should be updated to mention the new IPSL spirit servers, on the pages where ciclad is mentioned

The IPSL Mesocenter documentation could probably also mention CliMAF and how to initialize it (currently CliMAF only appears in an example of using module avail)

jypeter commented 1 year ago

@jservonnat @rigoudyg I wanted to try CliMAF on spirit(X), but there does not seem to be any climaf module that we can load

Any plans for that?

senesis commented 1 year ago

You may use modules in /net/nfs/tools/Users/SU/modulefiles/jservon/climaf/, preferably env20230223_climafV3.e The CliMAF version is a V3, which has a small backward incompatibility : module climaf.html has been renamed climaf.chtml The CliMAF doc should definitely be updated, you're right to recall it.

jypeter commented 1 year ago

@senesis @jservonnat the directory you mentioned exists on spirit, spiritx (and ciclad), but module avail does not list any climaf module, and I have no idea how to explicitly use the env20230223_climafV3.e you mentioned

On ciclad

[jypmce@ciclad-ng ~]$ ls /net/nfs/tools/Users/SU/modulefiles/jservon/climaf/
2.0.0-python3.6         env20221224_climafV3.e   ipcc_env
env20221224_climafV3.c  env20221224_climafV3.e~  spirit_0
env20221224_climafV3.d  env20230223_climafV3.e

[jypmce@ciclad-ng ~]$ module avail -t -a | grep -i climaf

On spirit(x)

jypmce@spirit1:~$ ls /net/nfs/tools/Users/SU/modulefiles/jservon/climaf/
2.0.0-python3.6         env20221224_climafV3.d  env20221224_climafV3.e~  ipcc_env
env20221224_climafV3.c  env20221224_climafV3.e  env20230223_climafV3.e   spirit_0

jypmce@spirit1:~$ module avail -t -a | grep -i climaf

jypmce@spirit1:~$ module load climaf
ERROR: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'climaf'

jypmce@spirit1:~$ module load climaf/env20230223_climafV3
ERROR: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'climaf/env20230223_climafV3'

jypmce@spirit1:~$ module load climaf/env20230223_climafV3.e
ERROR: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'climaf/env20230223_climafV3.e'
senesis commented 1 year ago

Just provide 'module load' with the full path

senesis commented 1 year ago

Alternatively, you may add a path to MODULEPATH, using 'module use' :

use [-a|-p] dir [...] Add dir(s) to MODULEPATH variable .. -a | --append Append directory to MODULEPATH (on 'use' sub-command) -p | --prepend Prepend directory to MODULEPATH

senesis commented 1 year ago

Here is the copy of a mail dated oct 2022 to climaf.users


Les utilisateurs des machines ciclad sont incités à migrer sur spirit. Une version de CliMAF y est validée, et disponible en chargeant un module. La manière recommandée est de :

  • configurer son environnement de base (.bashrc) pour qu'il connaisse l'emplacement des modules chargeant CliMAF

    module use --append /net/nfs/tools/Users/SU/modulefiles/jservon
    • et charger le module correspondant à la version validée pour spirit (qui est basée sur la V 2.0.2)

      module load climaf/spirit_0

Un module sera ultérieurement disponible pour utiliser CliMAF V3.0, prochaine version 'officielle' aussi valide sur spirit.

D'autre part, pour lancer des notebooks utilisant CliMAF, on dispose d'un script approprié (qui charge le module CliMAF ci-dessus) :


On peut le lancer sur un noeud de calcul par exemple par :

srun --pty --mem-per-cpu=9G  --time=60 /net/nfs/tools/Users/SU/jservon/bin/climaf-notebook_spirit_0

Nota: vous aurez des warnings du type :

/bin/bash: /net/nfs/tools/Users/SU/jservon/spirit-2021.11_envs/climaf_spirit_0/lib/libtinfo.so.6: no version information available (required by /bin/bash)


Error loading server extension nb_conda

Il sont sans conséquence.
