Closed moll closed 5 years ago
There are quite a few initiatives that have duplicate statuses. Is that intentional and if so, what do the duplicates indicate?
To take a random initiative as an example, here's one with two REGISTREERITUD statuses off of as of today:
{ "uuid": "c5bc630f-c6e0-42bf-9e7b-82e720df8961", "reference": "1-6/19-40/1", "title": "Kollektiivne pöördumine \"Tingimusteta põhisissetuleku (kodanikupalga) teostatavuse ja mõju uurimisest Eestis\"", "documentType": "collectiveAddressDocument", "created": "2019-05-29T14:35:31.246", "membership": 14, "relatedDocuments": [ { "uuid": "80256b05-0686-42c4-bf9b-e23f908895c6", "reference": "4-1/70", "title": "Kollektiivse pöördumise menetlusse võtmine", "documentType": "decisionDocument" } ], "relatedVolumes": [], "sender": " - Jaanus Nurmoja", "senderReference": "c79c1938-dc37-439e-9e5b-9033c534239b", "submittingDate": "2019-05-29", "complianceDeadline": "2019-12-17", "responsibleCommittee": { "uuid": "44584179-67a8-ce54-da37-569f1a480919", "name": "Sotsiaalkomisjon", "active": true }, "statuses": [ { "date": "2019-05-29", "status": { "code": "REGISTREERITUD", "value": "Registreeritud" } }, { "date": "2019-05-29", "status": { "code": "REGISTREERITUD", "value": "Registreeritud" } }, { "date": "2019-06-17", "status": { "code": "MENETLUSSE_VOETUD", "value": "Menetlusse võetud" } } ] }
Seem like this was a data quality issue and should be fixed now.
Great! Thanks.
There are quite a few initiatives that have duplicate statuses. Is that intentional and if so, what do the duplicates indicate?
To take a random initiative as an example, here's one with two
statuses off of as of today: