rija / docker-nginx-fpm-caches-wordpress

Wordpress (no DB server included) running with Nginx in a Docker container with caching and encryption enabled
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No such container: wordpressfiles #6

Closed amizzo87 closed 7 years ago

amizzo87 commented 7 years ago

Not sure if I missed a step here, but on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 16.04 + docker, running the docker run command gives me "No such container: wordpressfiles".

Further, if I exclude the line "--volumes-from wordpressfiles," the container starts normally but accessing my domain redirects to "https://server_fqdn/." docker logs doesn't show anything suspicious either.

Did I miss something?

rija commented 7 years ago

When using --volumes-from wordpressfiles, it expects a Data Volume Container to exists like this:

$ docker create --name wordpressfiles -v /usr/share/nginx/www rija/docker-nginx-fpm-caches-wordpress

Note, that the use of Data Volume Containers is no longer recommended by Docker so I phased it out but I've left some references in the README inadvertently. I'll remove the remaining references shortly.

Therefore it's fine and preferred to drop out the --volumes-from wordpressfiles entirely and it will still works fine.

make sure you pass to docker run, the argument --env SERVER_NAME=example.com where example.com is replaced by your domain name, the bootstrap.sh script will replace occurrences of server_fqdn by the domain name you supply there.

When using the docker run command, it also expects that a container running with mysql or mariadb exists too.

A full working example on how it could be used can be seen in the build log of our continuous integration testing instance on Travis-Ci.

However the easiest way to get a full Wordpress install running is to use docker-compose.

Also please note, that I'm working on major changes on how this Dockerfile is operated, so the actual modus operandi and documentation may be out of sync for awhile.

The Travis-CI test configuration will be the most up-to-date source for how to use this Dockerfile during that time.