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Suggestion: ASP.MVC #15

Open p10tyr opened 9 years ago

p10tyr commented 9 years ago

Everything revolves around PHP / Ruby / Python CMS's and I just wanted to suggest a flip side to everything, mostly conceptual.

I am a pro .NET developer doing greenfield projects for large and small all over the place. My suggestion is to create YOUR own site, from experience I can only suggest ASP.MVC Git repository with a few projects in it. I used to do ASP.Webforms and curse that abomination till today, even preferred to do PHP instead of .NET. But Razor is the RAPID in Rapid Application Developed and is it really easy now a days to use .NET, and freaking fast!

Forget the .NET thing for a while. What would be important is to design your project into small seperate modules that are specific to the task. You have separation for WebAPI and Web Content. You can later add Video streaming via some new project or even bolt on other API's for specific vendors.

Hosting, yes this is a bit of a pain since its all bloody paid for because of Server and IIS licensing. But they are going open source with .NET with the promise that its going to run on Linux/BSD using Mono. I played a bit with this 18 months ago and it was reasonable and free. MS is trying to allow places like, digital ocean to allow people to deploy .NET sites on Linux machines, so don't ditch this idea so quickly.

As an experienced developer creating all this would be extremely fast thank to the Razor Engine and MVC pattern. And if it was on Git anybody could come and add things to it.

I am not sure about Continuous Integration from Git but I doubt it should be any different than CI from TFS.

cbojar commented 9 years ago

I'm not really sure this is the direction @ChrisLAS wants to go in. He was aiming for a simple system that automatically generates static files from markdown, to reduce maintenance way down. Developing an application kind of heads in the other direction.

p10tyr commented 9 years ago

Yea, and this would do it. I dont fully understand what files you want to generate from markdown?

But yes, essentially you could upload the file, or have a directory to scan, or you could just write the markdown in the system, anybody with permissions can access, change and publish it (generate to page in a pretty form? linked to the correct episode)

It would be "JupiterCMS". Making it open source would mean that any dev can contribute free time to expand it, fix a bug or get a paid guy on for a week to build an extension if needed.

I suggeted MVC because I know its rapid and rich with packages, but conceputally I mean that this could be made easily.

The only issue is that you cannot buy ready templates. The design needs to be done by somebody with design sense, UX most preferably. But, templating is built into MVC 5 now and using twitter bootstrap chaning the template is very easy. ie, similar to jquery UI

Also, this solves the API and gives you separation of concern which is very important for API's! (Especiall with the N-Tier Layer design)

-Edit But yea I get the advantage with PicoCMS. Its really slick in how to add and do things in it. Its a shame there is a similar thing in .NET. That would just be the perfect base code and adding functionality and layers would be so easy. Something that is still a problem with PHP if I am not mistaken.