Closed tsukaby closed 1 year ago
If the recursive argument is set to true, all records can be retrieved.
[tsukaby@tsukamac zoho_hub]% bin/console Refreshing token... [1] pry(main)> class Contact < ZohoHub::BaseRecord;attributes(:id, :email);end => [:id, :email] [2] pry(main)> Contact.all.count => 200 [3] pry(main)> Contact.all(recursive: true).count => 502 [4] pry(main)> Contact.where(params: {criteria: 'Email:starts_with:user'}).count => 200 [5] pry(main)> Contact.where(params: {criteria: 'Email:starts_with:user'}, recursive: true).count => 502
I am not a native English speaker. If the English text is strange, it would be helpful if you taught me the correct text.
If the recursive argument is set to true, all records can be retrieved.
I am not a native English speaker. If the English text is strange, it would be helpful if you taught me the correct text.