The convention of Rails is to use PascalCase class names, whereas Zoho of course prefers the uniquely eccentric Pascal_Snake_Case or Title_Case_Underscored so a module named MyModule in rails would need to be called My_Module in Zoho --
At present the ZohoHub::BaseRecord will not insert underscores and I've monkey patched my class thusly:
class MyModule < ZohoHub::BaseRecord
class << self
def request_path
# TODO: is there any other way to override this?
The convention of Rails is to use
class names, whereas Zoho of course prefers the uniquely eccentricPascal_Snake_Case
so a module namedMyModule
in rails would need to be calledMy_Module
in Zoho --At present the ZohoHub::BaseRecord will not insert underscores and I've monkey patched my class thusly:
Is this the correct way to proceed?