riker-rs / riker

Easily build efficient, highly concurrent and resilient applications. An Actor Framework for Rust.
MIT License
1.02k stars 69 forks source link

Background on this project #82

Open ZempTime opened 4 years ago

ZempTime commented 4 years ago

Hey! I've been monitoring this project for a little while, and I'm super excited to see how far it's come. Thanks for all your work so far.

I'm hoping to maybe even start using this at work (although Rust is still a hard sell, yet). I was wondering if you could give a little background on who the maintainers of this project are, what your plans for the project are, how development is sustained, and that kind of context. I'm asking a little ways ahead of when I might need to pitch at work because I'm gonna have to jump through some compliance hoops, and having good stories to tell about each of the libraries I'd recommend would be super helpful.

That said, I understand I'm asking for info which might be considered personal, this is completely optional, and I have no expectations here. I'm asking from a place of preparation and hope 😄


ZempTime commented 4 years ago

I've received unofficial word via the gitter that unfortunately, development here has halted.

Not gonna post alternatives or close this issue (I feel that'd be stepping on the toes of maintainers) but leaving this here as an informational update for passers-by until I can be corrected by a more official one.

f8122dac commented 4 years ago

Does that mean the development is halted altogether?

olexiyb commented 4 years ago

Can anyone take ownership? If not, should we establish riker2.rs? I really like the documentation and the code and ideas of the Riker actor system. From many discussed here I found the only Riker is very well documented. But any good project has to have an owner, who will drive it and improve.

olexiyb commented 4 years ago

I went ahead and created actors.rs and forked the master, I will merge later pull requests

leenozara commented 4 years ago

@ZempTime and all,

Riker development was halted for a time. I posted an update on Gitter:

Dear all, I must first apologize to everyone for effectively going AWOL for an extended amount of time without any communication here. For personal reasons I had to step back and take a break. I was burned out from almost 20 years of business. I see that a few of you have rightly been frustrated by the lack of committment to Riker from me.

My intention is to look over the messages here and on github, as well as pull requests over the next couple of days. I will then share thoughts here on longer term plan on how best to support and take Riker forward. I will again start coding myself, on new ventures and projects. For these Riker will be a part of that so I can say I have a vested interest in Riker’s future - it is a matter of optimizing the development momentum between myself and the Riker community. Again, my sincere apologies for the complete lack of interaction. I do hope development can get back on track and earn the interest of developers once again. Please look out for an update here in the next couple of days.

Appreciate your interest in Riker and I hope you come back again soon. Part of the initiative to get Riker back on track will be to update the documentation. Your suggestion re maintainer info and project vision is noted and we’ll get that included too.

Thank you!

igalic commented 4 years ago

I'd also very much like to help out here too!

I'll start by reading the code and see where the docs can be improved.