riker-rs / riker

Easily build efficient, highly concurrent and resilient applications. An Actor Framework for Rust.
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Simplify actor creation #84

Closed hardliner66 closed 4 years ago

hardliner66 commented 4 years ago

This pull request introduces two new traits: ActorFactory and ActorFactoryArgs to create an actor without and with parameters respectively.

This has a few benefits: 1) a standardized way to create an actor instead of relying on naming conventions 2) a blanket implementation for structs which implement the Default + Actor trait

This simplifies the default case for actor creation, because you only need to know the type of your Actor instead of the name of the "constructor" function.

Here is a small example:

use riker::actors::*;
use std::time::Duration;

// Actors with the ActorFactory or Default trait
// can be created with the actor_of function
struct MyActor {
    value: i64,

// Actors with the ActorFactoryArgs<T> trait
// can be created with the actor_of_args function
impl ActorFactoryArgs<i32> for MyActor {
    fn create_args(value: i32) -> Self {
        MyActor {
            value: value as i64,

impl ActorFactoryArgs<i64> for MyActor {
    fn create_args(value: i64) -> Self {
        MyActor { value }

// implement the Actor trait
impl Actor for MyActor {
    type Msg = String;

    fn recv(&mut self, ctx: &Context<String>, msg: String, _sender: Sender) {
            "[{}] :: Received: \"{}\", self.value: {}",

// start the system and create an actor
fn main() {
    let sys = ActorSystem::new().unwrap();

    let my_actors = vec![
        sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-2", 10_i32).unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-3", 20_i64).unwrap(),

        .for_each(|(i, actor)| actor.tell(format!("Hello {}!", i + 1), None));


For more complex scenarios, one can still manually create Props and use the new actor_of_props function.

olexiyb commented 4 years ago

merged into actors.rs

leenozara commented 4 years ago


Greatly appreciate this. I'm going to give this a deeper review since it touches on some of the key concepts of actor representation and what is probably the most significant developer interaction, i.e. actor creation.

I personally like your idea, just let me see if there's any downside to adopting this. I remember TypeSafe depricating this capability a while back for Akka and standardizing all actor creation through the use of Props. But then that may well have been due to Scala specific reasons.

leenozara commented 4 years ago

@hardliner66 The approach in general is sound - I like it. The only remaining thought I have is is implementing the different variants of actor creation (e.g. actor_of, actor_of_args, etc) on System and Context etc better than making them part of Props?

If all actor creation decisions are made through Props it means:


// start the system and create an actor
fn main() {
    let sys = ActorSystem::new().unwrap();

    Iet props1 = Props::new::<MyActor>();
    Iet props2 = Props::new_args::<MyActor, _>(10_i32);
    Iet props3 = Props::new_args::<MyActor, _>(20_i64);

    let my_actors = vec![
        sys.actor_of(props1, "my-actor-1").unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of(props2, "my-actor-2").unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of(props3, "my-actor-3").unwrap(),

        .for_each(|(i, actor)| actor.tell(format!("Hello {}!", i + 1), None));


What are your thoughts?

hardliner66 commented 4 years ago

I definitely see the benefit of using Props in some cases, thats the reason I renamed the functions instead of removing them. But I think, most of these are advanced use cases. Also, when you are a beginner, you shouldn't need to think about Props. You shouldn't have to think about how you're actor is created until you actually need it.

Take Erlang for example. In Erlang an actor is simply a function which receives messages. You do not have to care how the function is constructed, you just spawn it and you're done. It even works with supervision out of the box. If you need more advanced stuff, you have to write more advanced code.

I think that this is a good design. Make the simple case simple and make the advanced stuff possible. Because if you need the advanced stuff, you probably already know what you are doing.

So my suggestion would be to provide a simple interface, if you just need to spawn an actor. And provide an advanced interface, if you need the added flexibility. This way you still retain the flexibilty of Props, while also giving the user a way to choose something simpler for everthing else.

Also, there is a benefit in understandabilty. Similar to for-loop vs. iterator. A for-loop is certainly more flexible, but using iterators with the corresponding functions like map or reduce it's easier to convey intent. I think the same goes for actor creation.

With the following you see exactly which actor use the simple spawn behaviour and which doesn't

let my_actors = vec![
    sys.actor_of::<MyActor>("my-actor-1").unwrap(),                 // simple case
    sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-2", 10_i32).unwrap(), // simple, with args
    sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-3", 20_i64).unwrap(), // simple, with args
    sys.actor_of_props("my-actor-4", props).unwrap(),               // maybe a more advanced case

Btw. I don't think that making all of this part of Props is a bad idea, if it removes code duplication. All the functions I made still use Props ander the hood. Maybe we could combine both approaches, because still I think that we should provide both options and let the user decide what he wants/needs to use.

leenozara commented 4 years ago

We do have Erlang developers using Riker so you have a good point on having some similarity with that. By combining as you’ve suggest do you mean making this possible?:

// creating actors without props
let a1 = sys.actor_of::<MyActor>("my-actor-1").unwrap();
let a2 = sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-2", 10_i32).unwrap();

// getting props
let props1 = Props::new::<MyActor>();
let props2 = Props::new_args::<MyActor, _>(20_i64);

// creating actors using props
let a3 = sys.actor_of_props("my-actor-3", props1).unwrap();
let a4 = sys.actor_of_props("my-actor-4", props2).unwrap();

This works well in my view. How would multiple constructor arguments work?

hardliner66 commented 4 years ago

For multiple arguments you can use a tuple.

I changed my example from above to include a multi parameter constructor:

use riker::actors::*;
use std::time::Duration;

// Actors with the ActorFactory or Default trait
// can be created with the actor_of function
struct MyActor {
    value: i32,
    msg: String,

// Actors with the ActorFactoryArgs<T> trait
// can be created with the actor_of_args function
impl ActorFactoryArgs<i32> for MyActor {
    fn create_args(value: i32) -> Self {
        MyActor {
            msg: "".to_string(),

// Actors with the ActorFactoryArgs<T> trait
// can be created with the actor_of_args function
impl ActorFactoryArgs<String> for MyActor {
    fn create_args(value: String) -> Self {
        MyActor {
            value: -1,

// Actors with the ActorFactoryArgs<T> trait
// can be created with the actor_of_args function
impl ActorFactoryArgs<(i32, String)> for MyActor
    fn create_args((value, msg): (i32, String)) -> Self {
        MyActor {

// implement the Actor trait
impl Actor for MyActor {
    type Msg = String;

    fn recv(&mut self, ctx: &Context<String>, msg: String, _sender: Sender) {
            "[{}] :: Received: \"{}\", self.value: {}, [optional] self.msg: {}",

// start the system and create an actor
fn main() {
    let sys = ActorSystem::new().unwrap();

    let my_actors = vec![
        sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-2", 10).unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-3", "test".to_string()).unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-4", (20, "test".to_string())).unwrap(),

        .for_each(|(i, actor)| actor.tell(format!("Hello {}!", i + 1), None));

leenozara commented 4 years ago

Very elegant. I want to merge but before I do let’s have a plan for Props for consistency. Does my example above make sense for you and if so would you like to make the changes yourself?

hardliner66 commented 4 years ago

Sounds like a good idea. Yeah, your examples make sense. If you already have something on your mind you can go ahead and implement it, if not I will look into it.

leenozara commented 4 years ago

If you can go ahead and implement I imagine we can get it done faster since you’ve already done it for actor_of, plus having another person intimately familiar with this part of the code is an advantage. Doesn’t have to be perfect I’d say, we just want to have consistency between actor setup (Props) and actor creation (actor_of) APIs. Any shortcuts taken in the code we can revisit later.

In the meantime I can make use of the time to look at the latest Rust futures.

Let me know if that is ok with you. This will be a major improvement in API design.

hardliner66 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, thats okay for me.

hardliner66 commented 4 years ago

This is the new example with the updated functions:

use riker::actors::*;
use std::{time::Duration};

// Actors with the ActorFactory or Default trait
// can be created with the actor_of function
struct MyActor {
    value: i32,

// Actors with the ActorFactoryArgs<T> trait
// can be created with the actor_of_args function
impl ActorFactoryArgs<i32> for MyActor {
    fn create_args(value: i32) -> Self {
        MyActor { value }

// implement the Actor trait
impl Actor for MyActor {
    type Msg = String;

    fn recv(&mut self, ctx: &Context<String>, msg: String, _sender: Sender) {
            "[{}] :: Received: \"{}\", self.value: {}",

// start the system and create an actor
fn main() {
    let sys = ActorSystem::new().unwrap();

    // new props implementation
    let p1 = Props::new::<MyActor>();
    let p2 = Props::new_args::<MyActor, _>(30);

    // old props implementation (renamed)
    let p3 = Props::new_from(MyActor::create);
    let p4 = Props::new_from_args( MyActor::create_args, 20);

    let my_actors = vec![
        sys.actor_of_args::<MyActor, _>("my-actor-d2", 10).unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of_props("my-actor-p1", p1).unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of_props("my-actor-p2", p2).unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of_props("my-actor-p3", p3).unwrap(),
        sys.actor_of_props("my-actor-p4", p4).unwrap(),

        .for_each(|(i, actor)| actor.tell(format!("Hello {}!", i + 1), None));


I renamed Props::new and Props::new_args to Props::new_from and Props::new_from_args respectively and implemented Props::new and Props::new_args to work with the traits ActorFactory and ActorFactoryArgs.

The two new functions use the renamed Props::new_from and Props::new_from_args internally.

The actor_of and actor_of_args functions now also use the new functions.

Finally, I added #[inline] to some functions, so most of the calls should be optimized away.

leenozara commented 4 years ago

Looks good to me :) 👍

I’ll merge this now . Tomorrow I’ll run a few additional checks myself and update website docs to reflect this change in API. We should then be good to publish.