rikhuijzer / ata

Ask the Terminal Anything (ATA): ChatGPT in the terminal
MIT License
274 stars 17 forks source link

Version 2.0 #21

Closed ctrlcctrlv closed 1 year ago

ctrlcctrlv commented 1 year ago

This is going to be a bit of a strange pull request and I do apologize for that.

There are many very good reasons you may not want this massive patch.

Starting with the fact that I developed it entirely on my Android phone as the final project of a personal challenge to see how complicated of a patch I could actually write this way:


I consider the test over now because there's really nothing to do beyond this; all it does is just take longer but I feel like I've proven you can do everything. Also wrote several websites and patched ffmpeg.

Nevertheless, a lot of time did go into it. And I think my version is better because it has many features that yours or not:

Either way have fun 😊

ctrlcctrlv commented 1 year ago

Oh yeah. And should you for some weird reason want an aarch64 binary of this, here it is.


Built on:

Linux localhost 5.10.81-android12-9-00001-geba40aecb3b7-ab8534902 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 3 02:46:17 UTC 2022 aarch64 Android


ctrlcctrlv commented 1 year ago

How about I implement that and cherry pick some parts of your PR into it? I will, of course, put your email into the co-author field so that GitHub acknowledges your contribution

Quite all right with me. And if the comments I left above are very at odds with your idea for the project it's really no problem for us to go in different directions.

rikhuijzer commented 1 year ago

If you want, can you review #23? I've implemented parts of this PR in that one. Let me know if the solution proposed there works for you too

rikhuijzer commented 1 year ago

23 implemented parts of this PR. Closing in favor of #23