riking / AutoDelete

A Discord bot that automatically deletes all messages in a designated channel on a rolling basis
Apache License 2.0
326 stars 118 forks source link

Autodelete bot is offline #47

Open SynysterRoach opened 1 year ago

SynysterRoach commented 1 year ago

Its offline and won't delete messages

misterpyrrhuloxia commented 1 year ago

I've noticed that the bot shows as online but it's not doing anything at all. I've tried running the commands to stop and start it but it's not responding whatsoever.

thewikki commented 1 year ago

bot is down, check discord for more info

fluffy-critter commented 1 year ago

Is there a status page anywhere that people can quickly check? It’d be nice for those of us who are already on too many Discords to keep track of things like this.