rikkimax / alphaPhobos

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URI parser not understanding path parameters #11

Open cym13 opened 7 years ago

cym13 commented 7 years ago

Path parameters as defined at the end of section 3.3 of RFC 3986 aren't parsed by uri.d in alphaPhobos.

Granted those aren't used often and are mostly historical but it may be the sign that other things have been overlooked.

An example: https://example.com/api;/setup.bat;/setup.bat?q=example

rikkimax commented 7 years ago

This is in the realm of schemes which I have no intention of handling. Same reason why e.g. gopher isn't supported. Its meant for most use cases such as http, smb, ldap, ftp and I'm sure you can add a bunch more on.

Similar situation to query parameters.

assert(uriQuery("abc/d?b=e&z=y") == "b=e&z=y");

I have no intention of adding a wrapper or copy it into an AA but its still accessible if your code needs it.