riklomas / quicksearch

A jQuery plugin for searching through tables, lists, etc quickly
680 stars 261 forks source link

Group of suggestions #2

Closed gabriel66 closed 13 years ago

gabriel66 commented 14 years ago

Dear Sirs I would like to thank you first for your help on working with multiple tables as using a class instead of ID solved the issue. May you please help me in the following points: 1- The filtering action runs on keypressed is there a way to make it run by a button. (i.e. the table is not filter unless a button is pressed). This will help in many ways especially on huge tables or when working on multiple tables.

2- There are 2 ways on filtering (all columns or using tag) what if we were able to filter according to the column name.

3- Each time entering a new word in the input box reset the table then apply the filtering on all records. What if there is a way to give the option of filtering all the records or just the result of previously filtered. I tried this by making the following changes in your example:

$('input#id_search').quicksearch('table#table.myQS tbody tr'); $('input#id_search2').quicksearch('table#table.myQS tbody tr', ...................... then entering a word in "id_search" then another word in "id_search2" which filtered the result of the first filtering action. 4- Is there a way to get the count of filtered records (rows) in the header or footer of each table??? 5- How to make onafter run an external function (i.e. function found in .js file). 6- Where can i get a documentation for Quicksearch plugin ? as there are methods isn't mentioned in the example (i.e. using a class instead of ID). I know that maybe some of my questions is stupied but i'm novice to javascript i'm used to pascal & VB.net. Sorry for bieng long but i really apreciate your work it is really a magic. Gabriel Mina
gabriel66 commented 14 years ago

Hi, Is anybody there ???!!!!

gabriel66 commented 14 years ago

Knock, Knock. Did I entered the city of silence??!!

gabriel66 commented 14 years ago

If the issue is very complicated we may go to United Nations Security Council and i hope it will not take so long like the Middle East problem.