riktar / jkanban

Vanilla Javascript plugin for manage kanban boards
Apache License 2.0
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Delete board item #83

Closed aayu-ramola closed 4 years ago

aayu-ramola commented 4 years ago

I want to delete items on the board. I added a delete icon for each element but do not how to call removeElement API. I am performing some other action on

click : function (el) {},

marcosrocha85 commented 4 years ago

You should call board's removeElement function. In order to do that, you should pass id as parameter. In your code, you will have to have the element's id and call a function to remove it, as you can see here.

aayu-ramola commented 4 years ago

@marcosrocha85 I think you did not get my issue. I have updated the fiddle. https://jsfiddle.net/q3choj2s/1/

When I click remove button first kanban callback 'click' is calling and after that, the custom function defined on click.

On button click, I want to avoid calling kanban callback 'click'.

marcosrocha85 commented 4 years ago

Ok, I understood now. In fact my kanban does not use fireable elements in items. By the way, I guess you need this.