riktar / jkanban

Vanilla Javascript plugin for manage kanban boards
Apache License 2.0
1.07k stars 299 forks source link

Implementing package.json/server #9

Closed mathyouf closed 6 years ago

mathyouf commented 6 years ago


I'm a bit of a noob with using servers and package.json, I have a project i'm implementing this into and am having some trouble with the package.json and getting the server running to save changes made while using the kanban board. I've included a link to the project, would be able to talk over google hangouts as well!


riktar commented 6 years ago

Hi @11fishem jKanban it's a Javascript library and can be inserted into your pages by simply including files in the dist folder.

If you want to save the data of your board you can implement any server side solution (PHP, Node, etc...) and use the events provided to save data on your database.

ex. dragendEl fires when you drop a board's element, so you can make an AJAX request to a your script that save the data

Please read theREADME.md file and take a look in the example folder.

Live example of working code: https://codepen.io/riktar/details/OQPmvR