rikulo / bootjack

Twitter Bootstrap ported in Dart.
Apache License 2.0
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The dismiss button of an Alert does not works into a component with a Sh... #20

Closed slambour closed 10 years ago

slambour commented 10 years ago

In this discussion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20420189/rikulo-bootjack-polymerdart You suggest to wire the element into the shadow dom. I do it for the tooltip but it doesn't work for Alert.

I suggest to add an initialization method for shadow dom. It works for Alert but this method can be used on others components too. Open for discuss about this solution.


simonpai commented 10 years ago


Thanks for your contribution. As we don't plan to explicitly support polymer, we don't plan to add the counter parts of this API for other components, but contributions are always welcomed. :)