Closed davie1989 closed 1 year ago
Hi. Thanks for this great library.
I am currently trying to build a chat with the library, but new messages causes the on event to fire twice. I have tried several approaches but none is working.
Below is a sample code.
late Socket socket; var _ctrl = Get.put(ChatsController()), @override void initState() { _initSocket(); super.initState(); } _initSocket() { socket = io( ApiEndpointsConst.socketUrl, OptionBuilder() .setTransports(["websocket"]) .setPath("/u/socket/") .setQuery(<String, dynamic>{"token": username}) .setReconnectionAttempts(5) .disableForceNewConnection() .disableAutoConnect() .build()); socket.connect(); socket.onConnect((_){ socket.on('new/service/message', (data) => _onNewMsg(data)); }); } @override void dispose() { socket.dispose(); super.dispose(); } _onNewMsg(msg) { var payload = msg as List<dynamic>; var chat = jsonDecode(payload[3]); final newMsg = ChatWidget( ctrl: _ctrl, animationCtrl: AnimationController( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500), vsync: this, ), index: 0, chat: ChatsModdel.fromJson(chat), ); _ctrl.chats.insert(0, newMsg); newMsg.animationCtrl.forward(); }
Help will be appreciated. Thanks
Hi. Thanks for this great library.
I am currently trying to build a chat with the library, but new messages causes the on event to fire twice. I have tried several approaches but none is working.
Below is a sample code.
Help will be appreciated. Thanks