rileytestut / Clip

Clip is a clipboard manager for iOS that can monitor your clipboard indefinitely in the background — no jailbreak required.
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Clip stopped working until I powered my iPhone off and on #9

Open jefro108 opened 3 years ago

jefro108 commented 3 years ago

I noticed that Clip wasn’t offering to save anything copied to the clipboard. I hadn’t rebooted my phone for a while, probably not since Altstore had last renewed the App IDs. Rebooting got it working again!

lonkelle commented 3 years ago

You should also be able to open the app at anytime in order to restart the background process that powers the notification asking if you want your new copy to be saved to Clip.

jefro108 commented 3 years ago

That hadn’t worked which is why I resorted to rebooting 😬

lonkelle commented 3 years ago

Interesting. That must mean the background process was hanging. I bet a force close of Clip and re-open would have got it going again, but a reboot would work too. Thanks for letting us know about this. ☺️

jefro108 commented 3 years ago

I’m getting a haptic response when I select and then Copy but no notification and nothing is copied to the Clip app. I’ve killed the Clip app and restarted it several times. I bet if I reboot my phone it will work ok then

lonkelle commented 3 years ago

@jefro108 It's possible that Clip notifications keep getting turned off for some reason. The haptic feedback means the background monitor process is working. Odd that you're not getting the notification, but check your Notification Settings and let us know.

jefro108 commented 3 years ago

Looks like it is 😊

PNG image

lonkelle commented 3 years ago

@jefro108 I wonder if DND is preventing the notifications for you. Does this issue happen after awhile of using it and then you have to reboot every time? I'm thinking a re-install may be in order her.

jefro108 commented 3 years ago

Yes turning DND off solves the problem! Is that going to be the only workaround?

lonkelle commented 3 years ago

@jefro108 Until (if) we find a way to access the clipboard without needing the notification, we cannot display the notification if your DND is turned on.

jefro108 commented 3 years ago

Ok, that’s useful to know 👍🏻