rileytestut / Delta

Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
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Launch to the European App Stores #306

Open TCB13 opened 1 month ago

TCB13 commented 1 month ago


Obvious title, Delta was released for free on the US App Store but not on the European App Stores.

This situation doesn't make any sense because now US users can get Delta for free and from the App Store and EU users are forced to install AltStore + pay a fee.

It's reasonable to make Delta available on the AltStore but it isn't at all to force EU people into the AltStore, something that would incur an extra cost or provide a poor experience (free version). Delta was approved for distribution by Apple thus it can be distributed on the European stores as well.

This is an awkward situation and feels like a middle finger to all the Europeans, the people who actually forced Apple into being more open and allowing 3rd party stores in the first place. Furthermore this was already being discussed at but someone closed the issue because apparently the EU isn't part of "worldwide".


TCB13 commented 1 month ago

I just wanted to add this comment to clarify a few things about this situation. Besides the fact that some countries can get Delta for free while other have to pay (details bellow), the fact that Delta is getting gatekept from EU App Stores is way more damaging than the actual fee.

I believe everyone should read this:

The Core Technology Fee (CTF) is an element of the new business terms in the European Union (EU) (...) Developers can choose to remain on the App Store’s current business terms or adopt the new business terms for iOS apps in the EU. Developers can choose to remain on the App Store’s current business terms or adopt the new business terms for iOS apps in the EU.

Apple says that you've to "accept the new terms" only if you plan do have access to the new features such as alternative app stores, web install and whatnot. Developers can keep operating as usual without being charged the CTF fee.

@rileytestut could've just decided not to accept to operate "under the new business terms for EU apps" and still be able to distribute Delta for free on the EU App Stores without paying the CTF, as before.

Besides, even for those who accept the "new business terms" the CTF isn't always applied:

What happens if I have fewer than one million first annual installs in the past 12 months? If you have fewer than one million first annual installs in the past 12 months, you won’t pay a Core Technology Fee that month.

It looks a lot like he just wanted to release the AltStore and for that he was forced to accept the "new terms". This in turn lead to the current situation where Europeans have to pay more. He could've still done it and proceeded to publish Delta on the EU App Stores and charge the fee there instead of pushing AltStore down people's throats.

I was even okay with paying for the App but only if it was distributed through the App Store. It would take care of the potential > 1M download CTF fee and he would profit as well. No harm there. What he did instead was to gatekeep the app from the App Store in order to force people into the AltStore.

Just release the App on the EU App Stores, charge 1.50€, 5 or 10€ for it, profit and move on. Forcing people into the AltStore and a yearly fee is unacceptable.

au5ton commented 1 month ago

Forcing people into the AltStore and a yearly fee is unacceptable.

Why? The Core Technology Fee will be applied because AltStore is launching in the EU (and not just for Delta, for 3rd party developers soon as well). As a result, AltStore has an entry fee to cover that cost that Apple is imposing.

It makes complete sense to me why AltStore would have an entry fee to accommodate that.

SternXD commented 1 month ago

TCB13 commented 1 month ago

It makes complete sense to me why AltStore would have an entry fee to accommodate that.

That's not the issue here. The issue is that you've people being forced into the AltStore just because the developer decided so, while other can get the app using the store.


@SternXD yes... because he accepted the new terms. Again "Developers can choose to remain on the App Store’s current business terms [no CTF tax] or adopt the new business terms [CTF + Alternative Stores] for iOS apps in the EU."

He wanted to publish a store and for that he had to accept the terms. Either way he can just publish the emulator for 0.50€ on the EU App Stores and all would be good.

frankeegit commented 1 month ago

i would appreciate to support the project with some monetization convieniently over the official appstore. so i have to wait for another project in the future. Props to the interface/ controller designer!!!!

Jogi1986 commented 1 month ago

What is with EU iPad User? There have no Chance for Delta 🤬. There is no alternativ Marketplace On iPad for EU and no App in the App Store