rileytestut / Delta

Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
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iCloud storage? #419

Open traviswparker opened 1 week ago

traviswparker commented 1 week ago

Would it be possible to have Delta use iCloud Drive for storage? As far as I know iOS would handle sync so it wouldn't even need to be implemented as a service in Delta.

iOS seems to think it can use iCloud Drive for document storage, but the setting does nothing. image

MisutaaAsriel commented 1 week ago

It would appear that the app supports local storage, which results in iOS erroneously assuming it supports iCloud as well.

Being said, Delta Sync could and arguably should adopt iCloud Drive as an option, allowing users to sync with the native file manager. is the document Apple links in regards to "designing for documents in iCloud".

traviswparker commented 1 week ago

Oddly enough it does “support” iCloud storage in one place: when you import/export a save file, it defaults to a “Delta” folder in iCloud Drive!

MisutaaAsriel commented 6 days ago

For myself it doesn't. It defaults to On My iPhone — Whilst I do have a Delta folder in iCloud, it was user generated and lacks the delta icon that would be indicative of an app-owned folder.

traviswparker commented 6 days ago

I changed that setting to “iCloud drive” and the Delta filter in iCloud was auto-created the next time I exported a save file. It does lack the app icon tho.