rileytestut / SNES4iOS

A modification of SNES--HD- by WoozleWrangler that can now be run on non-jailbroken iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads! This is possible thanks to Spencer Nielsen and his script removing jailbreak-specfic features (
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Cannot build for iPhone 4S #25

Open offbywon opened 11 years ago

offbywon commented 11 years ago

I am trying to compile from XCode on my iPhone, but I am getting a linker error that the library "-lIOKit" cannot be found:

ld: library not found for -lIOKit clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Does anyone know how to get the library and what to do with it?

indirect commented 10 years ago

It's supposed to be built in. My current conjecture is that it's not present on iOS 7? But I'm not sure.

valdetero commented 10 years ago

I'm having the same issue for iPad Air and iPhone 5s on iOS 7. Anyone have a solution?

danurna commented 10 years ago

Found a way to run snes4ios on my ipad air: As libIOKit.dylib is not available anymore I removed it from the project and tried to replace it with the IOKit.framework. To do this in Xcode 5 you have to create a symlink like shown here:

cd /Applications/
sudo ln -s Versions/A/IOKit .

After creating the symlink I was able to drag & drop the IOKit.framework from the directory above into my project and to run snes4ios on my ipad. :)

yurikimo commented 10 years ago

I follow the solution, and I was able to build the solution. But now I can't load the ROM without crash the app

danurna commented 10 years ago

@yurikimo afraid I can't help. My only problem was that it didn't build. I think I've tried one or two ROMs but just for trying and not really playing. Maybe you could provide more information like the crash log?